MarsEdit has a wonderful feature that allows you to take a snippet from a website and start a post to put in your own page.
When I use it, I feel like I’m closer to some of my favorite blog writers.
There is this problem… I told myself that I’m not going to do another technical project until I finish the Hacking with SwiftUI challenge.
But… I think going a little into customizing some software shouldn’t count, right?
I was looking at the text that MarsEdit brings in and started thinking about the template for it.

It just didn’t feel like that was really the style that I was going for. It kept nagging me… Is this the most semantic way to show a block quote?
Boom! I started a search on DuckDuckGo and fell down a rabbit whole with questions about <blockquote>
, <cite>
, and even the <q>
which I’ve been using in the last several posts1.
I’ve been going back and forth with MDM, html5doctor, and w3 schools. I finally just went to the site and will be happy to use the following.

I would spend the time learning how to put the raw code into this post but I spent an hour looking into this.
This research is part of the reason that I’ve told myself to limit it to one (1) project at a time. ↩︎