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: 50 Ideas for Blog Posts by Lou Plummer #15 Are you an early or late adopter of technology? What makes you that way? 50 Ideas for Blog Posts | …

: 50 Ideas for Blog Posts by Lou Plummer #14 What has your relationship with music been like throughout your life? 50 Ideas for Blog Posts | …

: 50 Ideas for Blog Posts by Lou Plummer #13 What societal problems is your region known for and do they affect you? 50 Ideas for Blog Posts | …

: A Book Apart Books **Unfortunately**, A Book Apart is [no longer selling books]( …

: 50 Ideas for Blog Posts by Lou Plummer #12 What hobbies have you had in the past that you no longer have? What happened? 50 Ideas for Blog …

: This one without a title Just a small test to see what details and summary look like in my RSS feed. …

: Details and Summary Test Just a small test to see what details and summary look like in my RSS feed. Spoilers Do not give the …

: What a crazy weekend. I had a lot of things going on and wasn’t able to make posting a …

: Does anyone remember WAMP stacks? That was a thing.

: ☁️🤛🏾

: 50 Ideas for Blog Posts by Lou Plummer #11 What is your current relationship with technology? Do you enjoy it? Does it cause you anxiety? 50 …

: 📺 The Acolyte S1:E8 Does this show stick the landing? Um… Kinda? To extend the metaphor, it sticks the landing …

: 50 Ideas for Blog Posts by Lou Plummer #10 What’s your relationship with physical labor? Do you enjoy, accept or avoid it? 50 Ideas for …

: 50 Ideas for Blog Posts by Lou Plummer #9 Do you have a gratitude practice? Why or why not? What sort of things are you grateful for? 50 Ideas …

: Lillie likes sitting in the sun.

: It’s ironic that Apple released an update to private browsing and also made ads worse at the same …

: 50 Ideas for Blog Posts by Lou Plummer #8 I was really happy to see this prompt. I really needed a laugh today. What is the funniest book or …

: 50 Ideas for Blog Posts by Lou Plummer #7 Yesterday was horrible. Absolutely horrible. That being said, I want to keep this post light. Do you …

: I’m more upset that Richard Simmons died than anything else going on today.

: I mean it was a pretty nice day for the most part… then it just went crazy.

: 50 Ideas for Blog Posts by Lou Plummer #6 What is or was your relationship with people from your parent’s generation? 50 Ideas for Blog …

: Jumping In July It’s been a while but I’m excited to get back into the swing of things. Although I …

: 50 Ideas for Blog Posts by Lou Plummer #5

This one was pretty easy to write.

: 50 Ideas for Blog Posts by Lou Plummer #4

This one was pretty easy to write.

: 📺 The Acolyte S1:E7 The road to Hell is paid with good intentions. History is filled with examples of people doing …

: Lillie relaxing in the sun.

: 50 Ideas for Blog Posts by Lou Plummer #3

This one isn't as heavy as the previous two answers.

: Severance - Season 2 Date Announcement I woke up goofing off today and was rewarded by seeing the YouTube video of an announcement trailer. …

: A Tour Of My New Self-Hosted Code Setup | Leon Mika I really enjoy how Leon steps us through the journey of setting up self-hosting as well as giving us …

: Every once in a while, I’d type tuaw in my browser to see if they were going to use it the domain …

: 50 Ideas for Blog Posts by Lou Plummer #2 I'm continuing with the series by Lou Plummer and trying not to get too worked up over the format of …

: 50 Ideas for Blog Posts - Living Out Loud Lou has put together a nice list of writing prompts on his website. It seems like a perfect time as …

: I thought about changing the table of contents from an <aside> to a <section>. My …

: 🍿 Deadpool (2016) - ★★★☆☆ I wanted to get familiar with the characters again before I watch the latest iteration coming out …

: The Boys Season 4 Episode 1 Violence is nothing new to The Boys series. It’s one of the more pronounced aspects of the …

: 📺 Pride and Prejudice (1995) - ★★★★☆ I have to admit it this version of the Jane Austen classic is pretty good. I normally avoid watching …

: 📺 The Acolyte S1:E6 We’re getting to the end of the season and there are still a lot of questions to be answered. …

: 📺 The Acolyte S1:E4 and E5 Oh man! Episode 4 and 5 are amazing together! If you wanted to see something different from Star …

: The temporary a/c unit we have in place before the person comes to fix it.

: 🍿 A Disturbance in the Force: How the Star Wars Holiday Special Happened (2023) - ★★★☆☆ I saw this on the flight after watching the Thriller documentary and I’m pretty happy that I …

: Just wanted post something else.

: 🍿 Thriller 40 (2023) - ★★★★☆ I’m a big fan of Michael Jackson. I’ve been that way since I was kid. His music is …

: Twice as much pi I’ll have to mark this off for next year. Tau Day is a celebration of the circle constant …

: I’m considering GitHub alternatives in our new AI world.

: 🍿 The Flash (2023) - ★☆☆☆☆ They are probably trying to get away from the movie as well. I had to go back to my rating system to …

: Back home from vacation and almost installed the iOS beta. Yes, there is something wrong with me.

: Last day of vacation. The last thing I thought about was the “presidential debate”. Going to be a …

: Me with a giant thing I like to test things on my own.

: From the top of the building

: My first reaction was to be very self conscious of my bald spot, but I realized that this is my body …

: I’m too much of a MAC nerd 🤓. I’m in Philadelphia and I’m wondering if I’ll see John @gruber

: View from the balcony

: It just got me that this upcoming iOS release might be the first one that I don’t want.

: On vacation with my parents and they both whispered to me that the other is in the beginning stages …

: I’m on vacation and get to experience tv with commercials. This is pure torture.

: 📺 The Acolyte S1:E3 I’ve been enjoying this new series of Star Wars TV recently. It’s got a mix of different …

: WWDC 2024 Recap And More(second Posting) Talking about WWDC 2024, Rick and Morty Season 7, The Boys, and the latest with Labarum. 00:00:00: …

: For bios, not bots I started working on my theme for in the hopes that it was accessible and could be parsed …

: WWDC 2024 Reactions And More Talking about WWDC 2024, Rick and Morty Season 7, The Boys, and the latest with Labarum. 00:00:00: …

: Apparently, Homelander and I share the same birthday year. I wonder what’s stopping be from …

: I don’t know who had Vimeo on there WWDC bingo card, but thanks for reminding me about the service. …

: Take action

: The demos make it seem like the only thing people do is write emails and send messages as they move …

: I don’t know if it’s just cause I’m sick but all I remember is math notes and chatbots.

: The hands holding the phone creep me out some how.

: First day out of bed since getting sick on Friday. Going to get the heart pumping with some Dub Dub. …

: I want a sick day in iOS.

: Sick on a Saturday in Summer

: Looking at WWDC 2024 Next Monday, Apple will be holding it World Wide Developer Conference for the year. It usually marks …

: I just needed an outlet.

: I hate my landline. All I get is spam calls interrupting my day. It’s criminal the way these …

: XMPP to the past I took fLaMEd’s idea of adding my XMPP handle to my about page. It’s part of the omg.log …

: 📺 X-Men '97 (2024) - ★★★★☆ It’s a reboot of a show I would watch on Saturday mornings as a kid. Back then, the violence …

: Last night I did an all-nighter and just kind of slept walked most of the day.

: I hate balloons 🎈

: Good night!

: This view under the trees just looked nice.

: Finishing WeBlogPoMo2024 Well, we’re at the end of the month and I did not meet my goal of having a post every day …

: Lillie is so used to sleeping on what used to be my bed.

: 📺 Dead Boy Detectives (2024) - ★★★★☆ Monster. Of. The. Week. But available all at once. That being said, I did find the show entertaining …

: A different kind off Rule 34.

: Setting a reminder not to upgrade to the beta for iOS in roughly two weeks time. Don’t do it. Don’t!

: 📺 The Completely Made-Up Adventures of Dick Turpin (2024) - ★★★★☆ I was looking for something light and funny. I have been watching a combination of Fallout, Dead boy …

: I’ve been having some trouble blogging the last couple of weeks. I hope to get back into it …

: If you are using the Labarum theme that I’ve been working on, I suggest you switch to tiny, cards, …

: Little reminder that text alone may not be able to convey jokes, sarcasm, tone, or feelings …

: These need to be broken down. They are projects and not tasks. Also, need to remember what side the …

: How many of you read your own rss feeds? I can’t be the only narcissist enthusiast for self …

: Exploring Using Popovers instead of Footnotes Breakdown of what I am going to talk about in this article Does the popover api work as a suitable …

: A work in progress

: Restarting a project I’ve been thinking about the different projects that I’ve got going on and some of them …

: Sunday Planning Volleyball season is over! Now, I’ve got to catch up on all the work and projects that need to …

: Forgot to click the publish for a post. Now I get to sit here and glare at the word “draft”.

: Dealing with a losing game Today, was the second to last day of a losing season of volleyball for my family. It’s been …

: How much exericse should I get? Exercise is a great stress reliever for me. I know my day will be better the next day if I spend at …

: Happy Mother’s Day

: GAAD 2024 Today is Global Accessibility Awareness Day and you see companies like Apple, Microsoft, and Google …

: My chemex broke. I don’t think I will be replacing it anytime soon.

: So, I’ve been feeling less than great the last couple of months and I’ve been wondering …

: Getting sleep when you can I was feeling really run down the last couple of days due to allergies and lack of sleep. …

: Not feeling well today because of lack of sleep and allergies. Going to post more tomorrow.

: My kids say I drink weird. What do you think?

: Keep on going Sometimes, it’s hard to think about how to make it through the day. I’ve had my moments …

: 🎵 Louden Up Now - !!! - ★★★★★ Hemispheric Views had another great episode of their podcast. This one was about the perfect album. …

: Take a break I’ve been thinking about what to write for this day during Mental Health Awareness month. And, …

: Micro Camp 2024 This Year More Micro I am pretty excited by the upcoming mini conference for and the IndieWeb. Jean has posted …

: Bath time for a certain someone.

: Pretty long day with tons of fun tomorrow.

: I added my blog to earlier this week. I like it because it exposes you to new pages. …

: Finding music to relax to I wanted to write an article about finding music that you can relax to. I tried finding a couple …

: How to make Monday's Better This is the first Monday of Mental Health Awareness month! A lot of my coworkers HATE Monday. For …

: The perfect weblogpomo Hello! You might have missed the news about weblogpomo or missed the first couple of days. Who …

: 📺 Fallout (2024) - ★★★★☆ There is A LOT of hype around this show. I had ignored it when it first came out because I …

: I just woke up and I need a nap I was hoping to have a longer post about how to improve your sleep but I woke early this morning and …

: Just learned that my friend’s dog has cancer.

: Slowing down to move I’ve been trying a different approach to planning my day this month. Instead of looking at all …

: A little bit of house cleaning Sometimes I feel like things are really a mess. I don't know what the next step is or - on the …

: James has really cool mascot for his website, The James’ Coffee Blog. I have been playing …

: May is Mental Health Month Every month should be Mental Health Month. Period. But, just like Christmas, Halloween, and …

: 📺 The Umbrella Academy (Season 3) - ★★☆☆☆ The show started off on a high and my mind was filled with different possibilities that they could …

: A good image tells a good story I've been writing a little bit about accessibility and images this …

: Apple Annie’s Weblog · WeblogPoMo 2024 If you are looking for inspiration to write more on your personal blog, then I would like to point …

: It’s lunchtime here and people are microwaving fish 🎣

: Things I am grateful for Getting up this morning and not dreading the day Opportunities to make myself into who I want to be …

: I don't have to be grumpy I’ve been feeling pretty agitated all day. It feels like there was a little bit of me that …

: At one point , this was The material possessions that I wanted the most. The last couple months have …

: I saw something on the internet and really wanted to comment. I took a second to compose my thoughts …

: I was really sick yesterday, but thankfully I’m better now.

: Coming bacbak from the vet and I feel she wants to drive.

: Having a bad tech day. I want to run out into the forest but my knees are bad.

: Long Alt — Adrian Roselli What I really enjoy about this article is that it has VIDEOS showcasing how the different browsers …

: - Web Excursions for April 22, 2024 I enjoy and appreciate Brett Terpstra and what he's brought to the internet. I was going over my …

: I want to thank you for being cool. Who am I talking to? You, of course!

: 🍿 Dune: Part Two (2024) - ★★★★★ Movie Poster for Dune: Part Two (2024) Before writing this review, I asked myself am I going to give …

: Trying not too eat my sandwich 🥪 before lunch.

: Paula posted this cute picture about AI.

: Updated my About page. I find it hard to write about myself. I don’t know if it’s out of …

: I feel a lot of people enjoyed Ted Lasso, but I don’t feel that I’m going to miss it a year from …

: RE: On, Scribbles, And Multi-homing by Leon Mika I’ve recently read this article by Leon Mika on his MicroBlog. It goes a little bit into the …

: Finished reading: The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson 📚 And by …

: Another reason, I should go to Joe’s Front End Study Hall.

: Front End Study Hall I’m planning on going to Front End Study Hall on April 24, 2024 Noon PST. I've seen Joe a …

: Made pancakes for breakfast this morning.

: 🍿 Dune (2021) - ★★★★☆ Movie Poster for Dune (2021) I really enjoyed this movie. It definitely deserved to have a sequel. …

: Woke up feeling sick and can’t go back to sleep.

: Olives 🫒 on pizza are overrated.

: 📺 Death in Paradise (Season 13) - ★★★★☆ I feel that this is one of the better seasons of the show. In this one, they move away from the …

: I sat down and thought “I’m going to implement this into the theme” .. And decided …

: How we’re approaching theming with modern CSS - Piccalilli We've started a new project which requires heavy, creative theming, so I made a prototype to test …

: Ok, I’ll say it. I’m not a fan of phones any more. It feels like I very rarely get …

: How I decide what coffee to drink [Diagram] | James' Coffee Blog James has been doing a lot of cool things on his blog. I feel that you should really check him out …

: I’ve been attempting to post most and “just get stuff out there”. Unfortunately, …

: Why I Care Deeply About Web Accessibility And You Should Too - DEV Community Why I Care Deeply About Web Accessibility And You Should Too - DEV Community This article by Schalk …

: Labarum: It's about Time This release is mostly centered around cleaning up different edge cases in the theme. This the first …

: Technical Writing Chat with Ally Sassman | James' Coffee Blog This is the first interview in Technical Writing Chats, a series where I speak with technical …

: Date is 4 0 4

: I should be working but all I can think about is formatting the time stamps for my blog theme to …

: I just sent several blog posts to my test blog the last couple of days. 🤦🏾‍♂️

: We should probably call it the photo adventure.


: Playing with Lillie

: When is free not free?

: 🍿 Ricky Stanicky (2024) - ★★★☆☆ Ricky Stanicky (2024) on The Movie Database - ★★★☆☆ I really enjoy the comedies with John Cena. …

: Conundra, indeed: Using curly braces in English | James' Coffee Blog This got me thinking: how are curly braces used in English today? Many English keyboards, such as …

: I’m thinking about adding a side bar to my theme. What are some widths that I should keep in …

: Why does the Labarum theme not have a header If you’ve come to my site, you’ve seen it. Or rather, seen that it isn’t there. …

: I’ve got a post scheduled for tomorrow! Hopefully, I don’t wake up in a cold sweat …

: It’s the little things. We’re about to be hit with a storm and the tiles are already falling off.

: Quick question for everyone. How many of you are using headers in your blogging? Are you using …

: I’m thinking about getting back into routinely writing again.

: Small Podcast Example There was a post in the help forums about this and I wanted to see what I can do to help.

: My wife put this together last weekend and I love it!

: I played around with the idea of trying to embed code examples using codapi, but I don’t do a …

: Getting a different feeling from my email I’m never going to “win” the email game. Getting to Inbox Zero is just a short …

: Having a little bit of a spiral in regards to web design and the theme for my blog. Trying to …

: Pi-day is the only good thing about having mm-dd-yyyy format. Yes, I know that it’s tomorrow. Just …

: Lillie is just waiting for mommy to come home.

: I’ve been meaning to do more daily notes for myself. There is a couple examples out there, but I …

: I’m at a high school track meet. The line for the boys bathroom is out the door. Two stalls, 3 …

: I wondered why the tabindex="0" was placed when adding code to my website when I came …

: I was going to work on my “About” page for my site. I get that same feeling that I get …

: I must be getting sick 🤒. My Apple Watch says that my exercise ring is closed by me just trying to …

: sees an issue I keep getting older, and the text size on Daring Fireball keeps staying the same. I feel …

: To be honest, I don’t want my tools to be able to write in my style. I have enough trouble …

: Serving my blog posts as Linux manual pages | James' Coffee Blog Earlier this week, with a spark for building but no particular idea in mind, I started to think …

: I haven’t done any formatting for the newsletter that allows you to send. …

: Tailwind vs Semantic CSS This study compares two websites with identical design: the commercial Spotlight template from …

: I’m planning on going to Homebrew Website Club Europe Meetup later today. I really like the …

: I can’t find my earbuds. I guess I can’t go into the office today. Drat!

: Broke my streak of a post every day yesterday. I’m kind of sad and relieved at the same time.

: Be careful out there!

: 🍿 What’s Your Number? (2011) - ★☆☆☆☆ This movie left an aftertaste. A taste that grows worse …

: Just wanted to brighten up my day.

: 🍿 The Beekeeper (2024) - ★★★☆☆ I’m giving this 3 stars because it delivers on the premise. No …

: How Standard Ebooks serves millions of requests per month with a 2GB VPS As you can imagine, we spend a lot of our time working on really, really old books. So why not …

: Spent some time fiddling with code that I said that I wasn’t going to touch. Very satisfying …

: I see a lot of discussions in my timeline(s). None of it about valentine’s day.

: Preparing the kitchen for tonight.

: I laughed out loud so hard on this skit on How to Nail a Job Interview Like a Boss.

: Spending some time just relaxing and watching a movie with my wife.

: I liked Jeremy Keith's post. I liked it so much that I decided to do this experiment. I'm using the …

: I didn’t expect that last post to render so poorly. I would attempt to edit, but I’m on …

: Hey :) @bleeptrack and I are building a #Git learning game for the browser, and we could use your …

: A very, very long day.

: CSS Cartoons for comiCSS Second Anniversary CSS Cartoons for comiCSS Second Anniversary I love comics and I feel that this is a real treat to …

: Just spent two hours going over other peoples resumes. It’s been a while and I don’t …

: The 100 For years, I would hear people say that it takes 100 days to develop a new habit. I didn’t set …

: 📺 Percy Jackson and the Olympians (2023) - ★★★★☆ I really enjoyed this show. It’s pretty solid …

: I put on her rain gear and she just rolled over and laid there.

: Spent the last few days building a small … Leon Mika Spent the last few days building a small site which will convert an OPML file of RSS subscriptions …

: I’m planning on going to Homebrew Website Club Europe Meetup again. Last week, I spent a lot …

: Bath time.

: Someone wants to go for a walk.

: Going into the office ice to sit on the throne only to see that I’ll have to make a detour.

: I’m going to make a move towards not eating my feelings as much.

: The power has been going off and on for the last couple of hours.

: My writing process is a mess I’ve been thinking about the general friction that I experience when it comes to making posts …

: A weird day on the first day of the weekend after a weird week.

: I keep seeing people complain about their Vision Pro personas. I feel that it’s just a reaction to …

: Go Ask Alice 2024 In high school, I had to read a book titled “Go Ask Alice”. It was a book composed of …

: Labarum: All the colors in the theme I just pushed a point release of the theme to GitHub. The majority of the changes are related to …

: Good morning!

: I’m planning on going to Homebrew Website Club Europe today. It’s a last minute idea, …

: 🎵 C.M.B. - Color Me Badd This is the 1991 debut album from Color Me Badd and one of my favorites. …

: Just finished a blog post that I’ve been writing for the course of the last couple of weeks. …

: I’m thinking about cropping this to make it into a profile picture. No, it doesn’t work.

: Feeling Apprehensive today. I don’t know why and I don’t know what I should do so I’m just going to …

: Does opera even count as a separate browser now? /snark

: I woke up at 2:30 to take my parents to the airport. Apparently they were joling about the time. So …

: Not as cool as some of the pictures that @Miraz shares, but wonderful in its own way.

: Lillie doesn’t like walking in the rain.

: LongLiveWebpages.txt the library of alexandra it seems like lots of folks get caught up in blogs being the easiest setup to get started creating a …

: This was the first time that I’ve played where all the players were going n jail just waiting …

: I really enjoyed the movie that it was based off of and Donald Glover. I am going to attempt to not …

: I feel heavy. It was hard to go up a flight of stairs. It’s hard breathe right now. I’m really tired …

: 🍿 The Single Moms Club (2014) - ★★☆☆☆ It’s a Tyler Perry movie. It’s well produced and …

: My grandpa was a Nazi There are those who believe that we just have to present them with facts and then they would …

: I went to a “paint and sip” event. I don’t remember the last time I painted.

: Visiting a friend at the hospital 🏥. The c-word is being put forth as a possibility.

: It’s Friday. I hope that you are finding some happiness wherever you are in this crazy world.

: I got my primary election packet today. Lot of reading to do.

: I just thought it looked nice.

: This morning, im concerned about climate change and spaces in file names.

: Snoozing is self torture.

: 🍿 American Fiction (2023)- ★★★☆☆ I’ve been looking forward to seeing this movie for a while …

: 🍿 The Godfather (1972) - ★★★★☆ It’s a running joke amongst my friends that I know a lot of …

: 🍿 Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief (2010) - ★★☆☆☆ Ok, the family has been …

: 🍿 The Lost City (2022) - ★★★★☆ This was a fun movie. I was bordering on a bad movie after a very …

: Finished reading: My Murder by Katie Williams 📚 Jason Snell had been promoting this book on one of …

: Labarum: Can I has Cheeseburger and Debugging "Scan System" by Mohamed Hassan. Table of Contents On the Edge of obscure Obscure Examples Toggling …

: I showed my daughter my website and she said “it looks like one of those accessible …

: I was going over a draft that I wrote almost a month ago. It’s BAD. It’s why people …

: 🍿 Good Grief (2023) - ★★★★☆ This was a very beautiful film. Dan Levy allows for some quiet moments …

: I was looking at pictures and thinking about how I could have been a better husband and father then. …

: First week of the year ✅

: Making peanut butter cookies 🍪

: Finished reading: Four Thousand Weeks by Oliver Burkeman 📚 - ★★★★☆ I’ve never been so relieved …

: Minimum Wage Clock · Luna’s Blog I got curious, and added some CEO salaries for comparison. The vast disparity is nothing new to me, …

: Watching the pilot of Xena: Warrior Princess with my daughter. I remember it sooo much differently.

: It’s been a while since I’ve used the board.

: Needed a moment to write in my journal. Reset and hit it again.

: 🍿 Wonka (2023) - ★★★☆☆ It’s fun. Very light hearted and kind of what I needed to see as we …

: Made it through my first day of the year without a problem. Except that I broke a keyboard.

: Good luck in the new year!

: I played D&D today for the first time in years. It was fun.

: If you ever wondered where old gym equipment goes…

: 🍿 Blow (2001) - ★★★☆☆ My wife really wanted to see this movie together. I think it’s a pretty …

: It just took me a moment to think about how we are at this point.

: I moved my work project review and shutdown routine into onenote to see if it will help with context …

: I attempted (and succeeded) something new by doing some pushups. 10 of them. 🏋🏾‍♂️

: 🍿 Single All the Way (2021) - ★★★★☆ I liked this one. There were no “bad guys” except …

: Sometimes, I wonder how these things happen and then I remember that I work in tech as well.

: Whoever you are, I’m wishing you well during this holiday season.

: Advent of Technical Writing How-To Outline James' Coffee Blog I met James in one of the IndieWeb digital meetups and he was very personable. He’s been doing …

: I have a friend who just set up a substack in order to promote his comics. Literally gave me the …

: I hate my landline. All I get is scammers and bad news.

: I had a friend set me on the right path and tell me that I don’t need to respond to anyone or …

: I’m really not liking this thread I see about population collapse and erasure of culture from …

: 🍿 The One I Love (2014) - ★★★★☆ This movie is a little statement about being the best version of …

: I wish I had more pictures of me with hair.

: Logged into slack for the first time in months. It feels slightly different. Really hard to say if I …

: 🍿 Serendipity (2001) - ★★☆☆☆ My wife recommended this one after we saw Something from …

: For some reason, this stuck out to me.

: Trying a different way of sharing

: I decided to do a little bit of exercise today because I was in a rut. Also, I wanted to post about …

: Labarum: Do Not Reinvent the Wheel I’ve been working on this theme for a while. Marking things off and adding things to a list in …

: 12 Days of Web A year-end celebration of fundamental web technologies: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. 12 Days of Web …

: Yesterday, I forgot to make the first line of my media review on a movie a title. It actually looked …

: 🍿 Something from Tiffany’s (2022) - ★★★☆☆ Rachel and Gary are happy enough but not quite ready …

: I had a couple things I wanted write about things today. Just couldn’t do it.

: Sometimes, I like to sit in front of my computer and wonder about what I’m going to make next.

: I love the fact that Game Pidgin still works.

: There was something about this chair.

: Wife likes having the dog in bed with us. I woke up at 3:30AM after getting kicked in the back.

: Labarum: Optionals A small but pretty cool v1.2.18 of Labarum. This will allow the Reply by email for, Reply …

: Just a little trip to the vet.

: Kind of sad that it’s been a year.

: It’s just the little things that build up and tarnish the experience.

: 🍿 The Super Mario Bros. Movie (2023) - ★★★☆☆ Description from Movie Database While working underground to fix a water main, Brooklyn …

: Just open to the public.

: Fool&#039;s Paradise, 2023 - ★★★ I really enjoyed this movie. It doesn't have a lot at stake and seems to go from one crazy plot …

: Daft Punk Random Access Memories (Drumless Edition) Album Review Pitchfork What are we doing here? Honestly, what are we doing with this “drumless” edition of Daft Punk’s …

: Indie App Santa 2023 Edition Daily gifts from your favorite indie developers. Discover, support, and celebrate independent iOS …

: I wrote a post every day last month. I’m tempted to try again this month but don’t want to burn out …

: A post everyday for the last 30. Some days were harder than others. Either finding something to …

: I’ve switch from using my avatar to using my gravatar. It’s kind of funny …

: What's in a title? A frequent type of post that I write is a small little review of different forms of media. Usually a …

: Labarum: Header Links The other day, I wrote a micropost about how I was deliberating on …

: One of those days where it seems like takes forever for very little to get done.

: Today, I spent 59 seconds contemplating on doing <a><h1>...</h1></a> versus …

: Monaspace Texture Healing is a novel technique that evens out the density of monospaced type, bringing it …

: Media Review: 📺 The Curse (2023) Link: 📺 The Curse (2023) Overview An alleged curse disturbs the relationship of a newly married …

: Media Review: Life of the Party, 2018 - ★★★ I saw this one with my wife. We both love Maya Rudolph and Melissa McCarthey. We thought it was in …

: Shopping at the mall and I met a friend from my childhood.

: This Cast Away skit from Saturday Night Live is funny to me because it invokes one of my favorite …

: Labarum: A small comment I updated the styling of comments individual posts. I actually rolled this out while ago but haven’t …

: I think I am starting to hate Black Friday We all love a deal and the experience of getting something more for our money. I love the idea of …

: Media Review: Scott Pilgrim Takes Off (2023) - ★★★★★ 📺 Scott Pilgrim Takes Off (2023) This series is fun and finishes quickly. I watched it with my 14 …

: Media Review: Gen V - Episode 6 Season 1 This is my favorite episode so far in the season. The show is known for having gratuitous amounts of …

: Media Review: God of War Ragnarök I picked up a used copy at GameStop a couple of months ago and put a LOT of time into it. I remember …

: I saw someone on mastodon mention that the OpenAI employees could move over to Microsoft and work. …

: I was in the phone with a scammer from Xfinity/Charter/AT&T/Comcast for 5 minutes and 31 …

: Trying to keep the peace ☮️

: I went to the zoo today.

: The dog park at night.

: Cleaning the home office I’ve been put in charge of all cleaning in the house. I’m not complaining about it. I’m an adult. …

: Today, I decided that I was going to finally start the rewrite of the CSS for my site. Thank you …

: Making lunch for the kids.

: I’m now the Vice President of the PTA.

: Pleasantville, 1998 - ★★★ Saw this with my wife over three days because a certain someone kept falling asleep. It’s got a …

: Something broke on the site and I don’t have the time or energy to fix it.

: A 2-Minute Clip From 3 Body Problem The premiere date for the Netflix adaptation of Liu Cixin’s Three-Body Problem trilogy by Game of …

: Friendsgiving, 2020 - ★★ I like the fact that this film was different from what I would normally watch. It’s light and …

: Juicy Studio Div Mania More and more web documents are appearing that consist of nothing more than a collection of `div` …

: Lillie snug in her blankets.

: Setting up in a coffee shop. I don’t know what I wilwil focus on today but it will be delicious.

: Labarum: Ruling the horizon Two problems with the horizontal rule I’m at the point where I’m looking at contrived examples and …

: I did a flush of all my email and rss feeds.

: A Short Test with Obsidian Things I’m grateful for Having time off to help my family Journaling to help me keep my sanity …

: Good luck everyone

: Taking some time to reset and clean I don’t know how others are able to just keep their homes in order. I just look at the stuff …

: Defaults in 2023 Inspired by Hemispheric Views 097 - Duel of the Defaults! and others in the community, I thought I …

: Lillie in the morning Sometimes, I just like to take the picture and enjoy the feeling that it brings to me.

: Urgently waiting Unfortunately, we had a little accident and had to go the urgent care today. I grow more and mormore …

: The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar, 2023 - ★★★ Short and sweet. I don’t watch a lot of the Wes Anderson movies but this one will definitely make me …

: Media Review: Schmigadoon! Season 2 It took me a while to get to this one. I really enjoyed the first one because of songs and side …

: Media Review: Gen V - Episode 5 Season 1 The show continues the trend of just putting me on edge. To be honest, the blood and gore are …

: Conduit #61: The Conduit Burnout Candle 🕯️ - Relay FM Kathy and Jay are feeling the burn(out) well maybe the steps before the burnout. Conduit #61: The …

: There are just too many taps before you start writing in the upcoming Apple Journal app.

: I lost my journal It’s kind of embarrassing that I lost this thing that I’ve put all my thoughts, plans, and feelings …

: I’m debating on writing a post every day this month.

: Six Months without Reddit It’s been more than six months since Reddit cut off Apollo, and I’m fine with that. At …

: Beetlejuice, 1988 - ★★★★★ I saw this classic yesterday and I still love it. Ok, the sand worms don’t hold up like they used to …

: So, I’ll probably miss the Apple event tonight. I hope that it’s cool enough that I feel …

: Ugh!

: What is my rating system? I have a couple reviews in Letterboxd. While I was thinking about how I would rank them, I felt it …

: Lillie is getting ready for Halloween.

: SwiftData by Example - free quick start tutorials for Swift developers SwiftData by Example is the world's largest collection of SwiftData examples, tips, and techniques …

: This is Lillie trying to blend into the background.

: One day, I will be completely happy and understand CSS.

: Adactio Notes—August 31st, 2023, 7 41am JavaScript is the fastest way to build yourself a slow website. – Harry Roberts Adactio: …

: 0x DEAD BEEF is still funny.

: I hope everyone is having a great Monday.

: I hit 213 lbs. That’s more that 15 stone. It’s also weird that we used to measure things …

: Labarum Final Final Copy 02 Final Tuesday, I released a post with and version bump of Labarum. I then went on and recorded a podcast …

: Official Trailer for AMERICAN FICTION AMERICAN FICTION is Cord Jefferson's hilarious directorial debut, which confronts our culture’s …

: Self Help And Analysis Recorded on Tuesday, October 17th. Topics for the podcast Getting help It’s ok to get help You are …

: Rough morning.

: Ulysses sent out another newsletter. I’m hesitant to open it after what happened last time.

: Labarum: A Mermaid's Tale One of the changes that version .117 of Hugo that has been allowed onto is the ability to …

: I have a blog post about the next release of Labarum scheduled for tomorrow. This one has actually …

: I don’t know you, but I hope that something good comes your way.

: Trying to make it perfect has really stopped my progress this week/month/life.

: Would Microsoft, Apple, or Amazon be considered “too big to fail” at this point in time? …

: A mental restart on a Friday? Sure, why not!

: Media Review: Gen V (Episode 1-4) I’ve been anticipating the Gen V series for months. I really enjoy things that are created in …

: Just one of those nights

: Now I’m just tired and angry at the world.

: I do this for stress relief. 3849 times 1567.

: Made lunch for my kids.

: Thinking about getting a new profile picture and can’t decide on using a picture or getting an …

: I was given these beats headphones by a great friend. Unfortunately, they are really getting beat …

: State of HTML 2023 now open! • Lea Verou tl;dr the brand new State of HTML survey is finally open! State of HTML 2023 now open! • Lea Verou …

: Today, I am reminded that I can asks people for things and not feel guilty getting help. Thanks.

: Today, I decided NOT to do something and it felt really good.

: Black Adam, 2022 - ★★ It not “bad movie”, but it certainly is not a good movie. I saw it because I was curious and I …

: If you have some time, could you check out what I wrote regarding the update to my blog theme? …

: Thinking about starting my Swift Slowly series again as a way to take a break from web design. 💻

: We’ve got an air show happening in the area and it’s scaring Lillie.

: Labarum: Code Blocks & Turning Tables "Turn Tables" by Peter Alfred Hess is licensed under CC BY 2.0. I’m rolling out another update …

: Doing spelling and grammar checking on a post with a lot of sample code is a definite pain. …

: For fun, I thought I would go over all the browsers that I currently have installed and what I use …

: I woke up and then went back to sleep this morning. I’m really exhausted today.

: I’m fighting the “shut up and ship it” phase of an update to my theme.

: I remind myself on a regular basis not to be a cynical jerk on the internet. I wonder if the people …

: Dungeons &amp; Dragons: Honor Among Thieves, 2023 - ★★★★★ I loved it! I think the actors did a phenomenal job at bringing the characters to life. You can see …

: Barbie, 2023 - ★★★ My family saw this before me and would constantly sing about being Ken. I would try to avoid …

: I decided to watch the Vikings vs Eagles football game on Amazon prime. The constant commercials …

: Lillie in the sun

: Good Luck to You, Leo Grande, 2022 - ★★★ I didn’t think I was going to enjoy this movie as much as I did. I remember a friend telling me that …

: Oh My Git! _Oh My Git!_ is an open source game that introduces players to the popular version control system …

: The amount of places that I can write (craft, Ulysses, drafts, etc.) has actually caused me a little …

: Completely out of shape. I went for a 20 minute walk yesterday and I am sore from that. 🚶🏿‍♂️🚷

: Be the documentation that you want to see in the world.

: 📷 September Photoblogging: Day 4 Prompt: Orange

: VSCodium - Open Source Binaries of VSCode The VSCodium project exists so that you don’t have to download+build from source. This project …

: Does anyone else remove the stems from their spinach leaves 🍃?

: 📷 September Photoblogging: Day 3 Prompt: Precious Lillie won’t look at me

: 📷 September Photoblogging: Day 3 Prompt: Precious

: 📷 September Photoblogging: Day 2 Prompt: Buildup It’s laundry 🧺

: 📷 September Photoblogging: Day 1 Prompt: Abstract

: Last post was sent late because I turned off power. All my devices are working!

: Doing my own electrical work for the first time. If you don’t hear from me, then it didn’t go well …

: Just had a moment where I thought “Am I over engineering this to handle an edge case that I …

: Made shrimp and rice last night.

: Beetlejuice, 1988 - ★★★★ I loved this movie when I was a kid and really helped make Michael Keaton one of my favorite actors. …

: Lillie likes to sit on this patch of dead grass.

: Air, 2023 - ★★★ I feel that we -as humans- forget about the other people involved with important events and issues. …

: Elon Musk and Michael Jackson I’m a big Michael Jackson fan. When I was a kid, I remember having an action figure of his …

: I was going to take a power nap for lunch to get ready for a 2PM meeting. I spent the time writing. …

: Just spent the last 15 minutes talking to myself through various issues that I’m going through. It …

: New version of Hugo offered with Added Hugo version 0.117 as an option on the Design page for your blog. News - Aug 13, …

: Got up early to start the day. The parking lot seems pretty nice. I know someone is probably looking …

: I can either release now when I’m 3/4 asleep or wake up tomorrow and not stressed about how I …

: Just normal web things. We've let ourselves get away from building websites that can do normal web things. Just normal web …

: The real reason people check out my site.

: I miss my friends on Hemispheric Views. I’m taking a break but that doesn’t mean you can’t check …

: What’s Happening? Hello! Thanks to everyone who listened to the last podcast! In this one, I talk a little bit about …

: Working outside this morning.

: Testing a small video of my dog walking into a messy room.

: I’m not where I “should” be. Some of that is circumstance and some of that it is …

: You do not have to feed the trolls 🧌

: If you ever see me posting more than 4 times, something has gone wrong 😑

: I just uploaded my tweeter archive into The last couple of years have just been at been …

: Good final episode.

: Just saw the longest thread that I’ve ever seen on Lots of cool things in it and I …

: I was talking about this old video in discord today. I remember the chorus but forgot everything …

: Restarting The Micro Cast Hello! This show is just me putting something together using Ferrite and just having a good time. I …

: Just a little reminder to everyone, that you can restart something if you want to. Also, if you want …

: I want to go play pirate themed miniature golf. ⛳ //Jason …

: They Cloned Tyrone, 2023 - ★★★★ I’ve been looking forward to this movie for a while. I feel that John Boyega was wasted in the Star …

: Another day at the beach.

: I’ve got a post that I’ve had in drafts for a couple of weeks. It definitely borders on one of those …

: I hope everyone is getting an opportunity to start the day off well.

: Werewolves Within, 2021 - ★★★½ It’s just what you are expecting and executed wonderfully. I had spoiled the ending but just …

: Is anyone using moviedb instead of Letterboxd for their media tracking? If so, are you putting that …

: Oh man. Apparently reading what I wrote before posting is something I haven’t mastered.

: Yoda Mia starting a little messy.

: Attempting to make a video of my dog. Using clips to make the video.

: Did not know that I was going to have to deal with this today. I understand that they want some kind …

: I feel like I’m having a bad day. Trying to be grateful and realize that others are having it worse. …

: I’m taking a course in responsive layouts in hopes that I can get a better understanding of …

: Kraven the Hunter Trailer: Aaron Taylor Johnson Stars For Sony Unlike Venom and Morbius though, …

: Sometimes, I hate web development with a passion. Today is such a day.

: I like the new logo @pimoore !

: Labarum: Code and Codeblocks I really wanted to do more writing instead of working on labarum, but I found myself wanting to …

: My stickers came in this weekend and my kids took them.

: Flamin' Hot, 2023 - ★★★ If you are looking for a film that will make you happy and hopeful, then this is it. A true underdog …

: I thought of @jean when I got this.

: I went for a walk the other day and I really enjoyed the views.

: Is there anyone who uses the word “ditto” but doesn’t know about the movie “Ghost”?

: Labarum: Official 1.1.0 release One feeds into the other. I did an “official” point release for the Labarum theme last …

: The Little Mermaid, 2023 - ★★★ People on the internet are mean. This is a decent adaptation of the children’s tale about the little …

: Three Thousand Years of Longing, 2022 - ★★★ I remember watching a short tv series based off of the Arabian nights tales. In it, a woman would …

: Dredd, 2012 - ★★★ I remember being pleasantly surprised by this movie. It did some interesting stuff with slow motion.

: I’ve set a filter in my /etc/hosts file for reddit and deleted Apollo. I’m going through …

: I have a very old tv. It has one HDMI port. Today, that port has died.

: Breaking hearts left and right.

: John Gruber is really good with written words Either you see the value of a great user experience or you don’t. No surprise that the CEO of a …

: I’m really looking forward to this movie. A series of eerie events thrusts an unlikely trio …

: What deserves to be shared I’m self aware enough to know that some of what drives me to write on this blog is to …

: Does anyone know of an app that creates a image based off of a url? I’m looking for something that …

: So, I guess my yoga session will be delayed.

: Sometimes, I feel that I’m putting a lot of effort into theme when others can do it with very …

: I was experimenting with webmentions a lot today. Still have a couple questions, but I think I’m …

: This is a basic example reply to @aaronpk. Thanks to the class u-in-reply-to, should send …

: Smart quotes are The Devil!

: Testing Webmentions one last time for the day Webmention is one of the fundamental indieweb building blocks. It enables rich interactions between …

: Testing Webmentions again Webmention is one of the fundamental indieweb building blocks. It enables rich interactions between …

: Finish the post and then close all the browser tabs. … … Then remember that you still …

: Labarum: Restarting Iterations During my Micro Camp presentation, I stated that the first publication is the first …

: I have beeen sitting on changes to my to my theme because I want to write about it. Then I realized …

: I’m walking away from my dream of being an iOS/Mac developer. None of my hardware can run the latest …

: I hate to put it out there, but I’ve sent an email to timery asking what their plan is if …

: I went for a walk to clear my head this morning. I hope that these find you well.

: Ghosted, 2023 - ★★ Ok, I’m going to start off by stating it plainly, Chris Evans plays a bad boyfriend. Seriously. I …

: A Brief For June 7th, 2023 Just a hot take on WWDC and where we’re heading with that. Transcript

: Documentation is a love letter that you write to your future self and I have not been a good friend.

: Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, 2023 - ★★★★ I enjoyed this movie but I found myself not fully invested in the characters during some points of …

: I was looking into changing my profile picture. It’s hosted on gravatar and the information isn’t …

: This is my favorite feature of the new OS. Interactive Widgets in iOS. Also, I’ve got to stop …

: A Brief On June 2nd, 2023 Just talking about what’s going on without any editing. Life has been a little stressful but it’s …

: Don't meet your zeros Photo courtesy of Gratisography I’m not above getting influenced by my peers and the media …

: My biggest sadness about the upcoming WWDC is that my iMac that is running Monterey won’t be …

: Little gobbles

: For the web designers out there, how do you arrange your css file? How often do you refactor it?

: So I upgraded my wife’s phone to iOS 16.

: ‘MM/DD/YYYY’ is a horrible date format. I will never feel otherwise.

: Just two ducks 🦆 chilling by the pool.

: Today will be focused on labarum and planning for the week.

: Just picked up Beat Saber this is the first time I’ve ever played it.

: Some thoughts on labarum designs for the future I’ve been thinking about where I want my theme to go next, and have been looking at other …

: I was thinking about going through all my browser windwos and closing the tabs, but then decided …

: I think I’m going to remove comments from on the main page of the theme that I’m using. …

: Just went through my spam folder. A whole lot of false positives that I’m going to delete anyway.

: The Future of Hybrid Digital Communities podcast - Fastmail I thought this would be fitting to post here as we just finished having On this special …

: A lot of stuff in my social media timeline(s). Wish I could respond and read everything but it’s …

: I look at my todo list and say “As soon as I finish my theme, I’m going to do X, Y, and Z” Then I …

: Yesterday, I made pancakes 🥞 for breakfast.

: Oh! Hey! You want to check out my theme and see how awesome it is!? Face palm.

: I should have set this up a long time ago. I let my email get out of hand a lot, so any kind of …

: The setup for

: I hope that this is enough gummy bears 🐻

: Apple previews new accessibility features, including AI-generated voice clone – Six Colors I feel that the Six Colors website had a really good overview of Apple’s announcement related …

: Having a really hard time focusing the last couple of weeks. I’m hoping to turn it around.

: So I went through my email last week and archived everything with the determination of staying on …

: Six Colors – Apple, technology, and other stuff by Jason Snell & Dan Moren These also mark Apple’s first major subscription software venture: each of the pro apps will be …

: I was listening to a podcast where someone said they raised money to buy a keyboard by mowing lawns. …

: Do I really need to tell you not to put empty containers in the refrigerator?

: I put my thoughts into words and words into action… or something…

: Sending your First Webmention from Scratch • Aaron Parecki Webmention is one of the fundamental …

: Doing a little test of webmentions. I think I found what the problem was. This post advertises its …

: Going to be doing some post testing tonight. Feel free to mute or unfollow.

: I saw this and it made me laugh and a little sad at the same time.

: Good morning. It’s ok to start somewhere new or continue on whatever path your on.

: I used to love hear what my favorite podcasters would wish for in the new OS. If only to join in the …

: Lillie likes to smell the flowers sometimes.

: A video of Lillie on a Hill A peaceful video for you all.

: Blockquote to webmention This post advertises its Webmention endpoint with an HTTP Link header. The URL is relative, so this …

: I’m really enjoying my workflow with drafts. It’s pretty cool.

: I'll always love each and every one of you no matter what, but to my friends who are dipping their …

: With the recent announcement about 1Password adding telemetry to the product, I’m not as eager …

: Hey! The world is sometimes kind of crazy. If you’d like, I’m willing to sign GPG keys …

: A Brief For Monday Just attempting to make a small post.

: This is what I do when I’m stressed 😫. Got to take a break walk and come back.

: Thank you @manton Just a general thanks for putting in the effort and time.

: I like the interface for blue sky, but I don’t think it’s enough for me to jump to yet another …

: Do you still watch “Death in paradise”, @rosemaryorchard ?

: Does anyone else go for a walk, find a stick, and think “hey, maybe I should bring this home …

: I had to go into the office today. I left my backpack 🎒. No earbuds or headphones 🎧. Don’t …

: Really trying to get back on track today.

: I’m up at 1:35 AM… It’s not a good sign. I found myself tweeking the design of …

: I didn’t know that mail will expand links to have a rich preview. Link in question is …

: I feel that April and May are interesting as a Mac user because you see some notable releases as …

: A Small Blip I haven’t done much with the microcast. I think I might do something more with it later.

: First things first. Cleaning the home office space.

: I’m going to do a presentation in May. I think I’ll make a mind map 🗺️ tonight to …

: A somewhat lazy day. I’m going to turn it around now.

: It's the little things in different browsers Labarum: Extra content in items I hate it when a developer focuses so much on one browser (usually …

: Simple list of things to do today Fold laundry 🧺 Make dinner reevaluate my reason for existence …

: I wanted to play with the newest version of Ulysses. I hope that I can make it a more fluid …

: Well, I know what workouts I’m doing this week.

: The images came out too small. I used a different workflow to capture them and can’t replace them at …

: Creating Labarum (Part 6): A Splash of Color I’m wrapping up this series. I’ve been playing with this theme for more than a year. Rarely …

: I really enjoy posting to the web.

: My draft actions weren’t working so I deleted them. I’ll treat myself to getting to the bottom of …

: I know there are more important things in life to worry about, but I still hate spaces in file …

: Normally, I don’t pay attention to the times when I’m going through my week, but the last week was …

: Sleepy time.

: Creating Labarum (Part 5): Schema and Open Graph Websites are read by more than just human eyes. Browsers, search engines, screen readers, and more …

: Simple Audio Please ignore this if it is on the main site.

: March Photoblogging Challenge Prompt for today: Chance Take a chance on these discount seasonings. …

: March Photoblogging Challenge Prompt for today: Insect #mbmar

: March Photoblogging Challenge Prompt for today: Tiny #mbmar

: March Photoblogging Challenge Prompt for today: Houseplant I don’t have a house plant, but I …

: Bath time for Mrs Peabody.

: "Ted Lasso" returns for 3rd season -CBS News Emmy-nominated actor Nick Mohammed joins "CBS Mornings" to discuss the third season of "Ted Lasso" …

: March Photoblogging Challenge Prompt for today: Analog I was at a convention today. #mbmar

: I don’t have my usual template.

: March Photoblogging Challenge Prompt for today: Early #mbmar

: Not a great way to start the day.

: March Photoblogging Challenge Prompt for today: **Road** #mbmar

: I’m thinking about joining a “MasterMind” group or something along those lines.

: March Photoblogging Challenge Prompt for today: Patience It takes time to make something good …

: March Photoblogging Challenge Prompt for today: Horizon I hope this meets the standard for @maique! …

: March Photoblogging Challenge Prompt for today: Connection #mbmar

: March Photoblogging Challenge Prompt for today: **shiny** Can you find the shiny spot? #mbmar

: Building a website like it’s 1999… in 2022 - localghost I’m on a bit of a mission …

: March Photoblogging Challenge Prompt for today: gimcrack Double word score as we see if …

: March Photoblogging Challenge Prompt for today: ritual #mbmar

: March Photoblogging Challenge Prompt for today: together #mbmar

: March Photoblogging Challenge Prompt for today: Walk I keep seeing this pile of leaves and stepping …

: I really want to finish my tutorial, but I’ve run into a little bit of a writers …

: I thought I had posted my daily picture yesterday but I had it in the drafts folder.

: March Photoblogging Challenge Prompt for today: Whole I ate the whole plate. #mbmar

: March Photoblogging Challenge Prompt for today: Engineering #mbmar

: March Photoblogging Challenge Prompt for today: Tile #mbmar

: March Photoblogging Challenge Prompt for today: Zip #mbmar

: Waiting for my brain 🧠 to show up.

: March Photoblogging Challenge Prompt for today: Solitude #mbmar

: March Photoblogging Challenge Prompt for today: Weather

: March Photoblogging Challenge Prompt for today: Secure #mbmar

: 2023.02.28 Link to Original Document If I’m going to be looking at new jobs, I need to have some way of …

: Installed the newest beta. So far, no crashes. The last one I would see a crash almost anytime there …

: I wrote “I am goo enough” in my affirmations this morning. I actually thought about keeping it that …

: Going through my old journal entries and seeing that I’ve been struggling with the same issues for …

: The internet is out at home. Very quiet here.

: Just looking at all my to-do items for work and thinking “this is not fun. Not fun at all”. I …

: I connected my instance to feed into my mastodon instance.

: Things are feeling a little out of control. Going to read this and maybe get back on track.

: So… apparently we like a certain brand of coffee.

: I’ve got a podiatrist appointment today. It sometimes hurts to walk. I hope it’s something they can …

: Hello @manton! I’m curious on some of the ways connecting to mastodon has made better.

: Lillie takes all the blankets and pillows.

: I’m holding a parking space for my daughter’s volleyball team. The parking lot is full and I feel …

: Hello, there! 🐶

: A very stressful bug in calculating my move goal. 🏃🏾‍♂️

: Went for a walk earlier

: You have a million choices. You beauty of it is that these choices are for you and you alone. Some …

: One less pool to play in So, I’m sure that everyone who cared already has heard about Twitter’s shutdown of the APIs that …

: I do enjoy a good board game session

: Switching my mouse to my left hand for a while.

: Creating Labarum (Part 4): Initiating the Index In the beginning of this series, we started off with an index page that was just a static page with …

: When I was young, I used to associate infinity with positive things. Teachers would tell the class …

: If I’m a little too chatty today, it’s because I deleted my Reddit client (Apollo) from my phone 📱.

: Finished my first kickboxing workout 🏋🏾‍♂️

: Did my first kickboxing lesson.

: I’m thankful that I didn’t have as much damage as others but it’s the worse that I’ve ever seen it …

: Went to an Anime convention recently

: I suck at scrabble

: Power just went out. I guess it’s time to call it a night/early morning.

: Currently reading: The Circle by Laura Day 📚 I remember reading this a while ago and feeling more in …

: Sony PSVR 2 hands-on: A massive jump forward from the original The highly anticipated Sony …

: I keep seeing people respond to @timapple for months , but didn’t realize that I wasn’t following …

: 🍿 Watching Twins (1988) with the family. I’m 1/3 of the way in and I think it still stands up …

: I said I would post more pictures, so here is Lillie getting more use of the yoga mat than me. 🐶

: Apple Fitness+ unveils new offerings for the new year - Apple Starting Monday, January 9, the …

: More leaks… 😭

: Creating Labarum (Part 3): Implementing post footer In my initial design, I had footer that would show the categories, tags, date published, and date …

: I’m seeing a lot of spam in my gmail account. It’s weird ‘cause it’s usually …

: I’m having trouble finishing the third part of my theme tutorial.

: And just like that, BBEdit is my first tech purchase of the year.

: Do something positive for yourself today.

: Lot of trees down after the rain.

: Today was the second day in a row where it wasn’t leaking in the house. Yay.

: WinterFest 2022 As is our custom in this season, we’re hosting a gathering of software artisans who …

: So today I connected my Drafts to my

: Inclusion beats optimization | Erik Kroes Accessibility has priority over other issues

: Creating Labarum (Part 2): Creating the individual posts For this part, we’re going to be setting up the basic page used for our post and make sure that it …

: I was going to wait until tomorrow… but why?

: Twixmas: What to do between Christmas and New Year - Almost The Weekend Twixmas is the period …

: Ok, there are still a LOT of places that need my attention with my new theme. I’m really …

: Creating Labarum (Part 1): Design and initialization I wanted to create a new theme for, and I thought I would document all the steps that I …

: That 90’s Show Official Trailer Check out the official trailer of That 90’s Show, …

: I was writing a series of blog posts in Ulysses but I’m moving them to MarsEdit before …

: I wanted to take this day after Christmas to wish you all well.

: Please don’t drive at night with your high beams if you don’t need to.

: I feel that the only people who would take the job of CEO of Twitter at this point would only be …

: I think the best thing Elon has done this year is demonstrate that CEOs don’t magically make …

: I keep seeing people sign up for It makes me think about how I felt a little …

: Just saw the following on Precious Chicken and just tested in the local copy of my theme. <meta …

: Why do all my yearly subscriptions renew in December? It’s another year and Apple is asking for me to pay $24.99 to keep my iTunes Match …

: I think I’ve really come to enjoy having longer posts that don’t have a title.

: No thanks

: I signed up to mastodon a while ago and chose because I liked the name and was …

: My thoughts about twitter I still have my account active. I haven’t gone in and deleted all my tweets and contacts at this …

: Ran my theme through the a schema tool and it came out without errors. I’m going to make one …

: Movies I’m excited to see in 2023 Guardians of the Galaxy 3 Ant-Man Spiderman across the …

: Mark Zuckerburg might be enjoying all the publicity that Twitter is generating.

: Just spent a boat load of time attempting to get the open graph, twitter, and the start of schema …

: The arm rests on my “nice” office chair are breaking and I haven’t had it for a …

: Just a little reminder to everyone that you don’t need the new year to make a resolution to …

: A quick review of Willow (Episode 1 & 2) Short review It’s alright, but I hope that it gets better over time. Longer review Let me say this …

: Can you tell when I got Covid?

: I’m going to start writing down some end of the day questions. I’ve identified the …

: Should I’m someone who says a lot of things about self improvement. And I have to say that I’m a much …

: I can’t find my notebook 📓 and it’s really throwing me off.

: I just hit a high as far as weight and blood pressure is concerned. I’ve got to get back to my …

: I just spent the last two hours trying to get the meta tags working in I should push …

: Good idea @fahrni 🍺night!

: Somewhere in this picture is a “gift” that my dog made. Careful where you step.

: Something about this felt sad and hopeful at the same time.

: Still working on my Novel for NaNoWriMo…. Although very, very slowly.

: I got a new keyboard yesterday. I hope my wife doesn’t tire of the new click-clack sound that I’m …

: She was taking a long time so I thought I should capture the moment.

: Pretty tired right now. The only reason that I’m awake is that I’m trying to be there to …

: A quick review of Wakanda Forever Super short review: I liked it. Longer short review: I really, really wish that I had more sleep …

: I wonder how many posts are going to use “barrel of monkeys” for today’s word …

: I’m now using my theme for my main site. I’ve got a “short” list of enhancements lined up.

: I used to call it fast-food, now I just call it franchise food.

: I don’t know if this is an accomplishment or a sign of a problem with my memory, but I was …

: I’m not seeing replies on my site and I want to know if it’s because I didn’t add …

: I don’t think there is much aluminum in this.

: I set a timer ⏲️ for a journal entry. I have it on my todo list to journal 10 minutes a day, but I …

: This is what my desk looks like when I came back from vacation.

: I’m sad that so many people felt that they had to leave twitter. I used to really like the …

: Woke up late so I’m going to have to adjust the vacation plan.

: There’s no suspicion about who ate my pop tarts this morning. It was me!

: Listening to the radio when they mentioned “Black Friday Month”… that’s just to far.

: Apu is on the display here at Universal Studios.

: I told my family what the word of the day was and we had a session about how the minister as going …

: One of the things about NaNoWriMo that I’m experience as I create this story by the seat of my pants …

: I’m on vacation and I’m certain to go over my calorie target.

: The more I use it, the more I enjoy using Ulysses for writing my novel for NaNoWriMo and the posts …

: Wow… I don’t think we’re going to have a consensus on anything with the upcoming US midterm …

: Today, I meditated in the hopes that it would give me the one beautiful ray of insight that would …

: Sometimes, I wonder if I am in an echo chamber when it comes to my thoughts and ideas. I’m willing …

: I recently saw the Weird Al Biopicand I really enjoyed it. It’s short and does leave you wishing for …

: When I was younger, I thought the rules applied to everyone. Now, I feel that if you’re rich enough, …

: This morning, my watch alerted me that it was birthday of someone who had stopped following me on …

: As I’ve gotten older, I feel that a number of the people I viewed with admiration has changed. The …

: I always wondered if I could use the phrase poetic license in a sentence and not sound pretentious.

: PlayStation VR2 launches in February Today, I’m very pleased to announce that PlayStation VR2 is officially launching on February 22, …

: Took Lillie to the vet today.

: One of the great things about working from home is that you can feast on anything that’s in the …

: Starting the work of writing for NaNoWriMo. The first word is the hardest at this point…

: My daughter just told me about how one of her fellow students started crying during one of the …

: Declared email bankruptcy at the beginning of the month. Let’s see how many emails I have at …

: I recently bought this really cool action figure from the local game stop near my house. I don’t …

: When you’re broke, it’s hard to look at your bank account, let alone create a budget. When your task …

: I’ve been home sick all day and I’ve been thinking about how I still have some planning that I’d …

: My personal notebook has died.

: Up late procrastinating because I’ve got to find some place to board me dog as the person who …

: I’m posting from my iPad to see how I feel about this.

: A Day in the Life At a local tea shop while I wait to dry my daughter to her next social event after …

: Went for a walk today. It’s interesting to see how dry things are.

: Taking a mental health day.

: This is part of the reason that I’m hesitant about moving my notes into Obsidian. In the time that I …

: Well, it looks like SNL will have enough material for this week.

: Nap time?

: Is this the biggest gap between the release of iOS and macOS?

: The phone service hasn’t been working on my cellular phone for the last couple of days. …

: So, I ran out of space in dropbox. I don’t remember if there was an email about a policy change and …

: Planning the story for NaNoWriMo this year.

: This toy isn’t going to see morning.

: She has the whole house to sit in.

: I just don’t know anymore…

: Took this picture last night in my apartment complex. A lot of light pollution, but I feel that …

: I’ve been posting to my test blog by accident for the last month. 🤦🏾‍♂️

: Mandaris On Monday A short one on Monday.

: Mandaris On Monday A short podcast episode with no agenda.

: My rent is going up $285. Feeling down.

: A Mini Podcasts I’m just going to release this without any fanfare Topics: planning for the afternoon giving a …

: Putting together a new morning routine. This is the second day that I’ve used it.

: The robot apocalypse will be caused by a parsing error.

: Started today with some yoga. I have been having some problems with my legs for the last couple of …

: I didn’t ask for this…

: The more they change the more they stay the same. Happy new OS day!

: The heat is affecting everyone.

: 💪🏾Push-up challenge!!! Day 31! The Last Day!!! @ronguest @jemostrom @gr36 @Gaby @Mandalorian @odd

: Ace of spades isn’t a song that you should play when giving a driving lesson.

: Do what you need to do in order to be the best you.

: 💪🏾Push-up challenge!!! Day 26! The last Friday of this challenge!! @ronguest @jemostrom @gr36 @Gaby …

: 💪🏾Push-up challenge!!! Day 25! You can do this! @ronguest @jemostrom @gr36 @Gaby @Mandalorian @odd

: The air conditioning unit broke today.

: Lillie owns the couch

: Weird weather here in sunny California

: 💪🏾Push-up challenge!!! Day 17! You can do this! @ronguest @jemostrom @gr36 @Gaby @Mandalorian @odd

: 💪🏾Push-up challenge!!! Day 15! It’s time to muscle up for Monday! @ronguest @jemostrom @gr36 …

: 💪🏾Push-up challenge!!! Day 14!! It’s Sunday! Time to push it into gear! @ronguest @jemostrom …

: 💪🏾Push-up challenge!!! Day 12!! It’s Friday! Let me know if you want me to stop prompting you …

: My Mac was created in 2015 and isn’t slated to run the upcoming operating system, Ventura. Honestly, …

: 💪🏾Push-up challenge!!! Day 11!! Can you push yourself to 11? @ronguest @jemostrom @gr36 @Gaby …

: Trying to focus on my form.

: It might be time to clean the office area.

: 💪🏾Push-up challenge!!! Day 10!! Day 10 and 10 Pushups! @ronguest @jemostrom @gr36 @Gaby @Mandalorian …

: 💪🏾Push-up challenge!!! Day 9! Sorry for being late with the post. I hope that you all managed to get …

: 💪🏾Push-up challenge!!! Day 8!! Day 7 I was at the beach without reception. Today is a great day to …

: 💪🏾Push-up challenge!!! Day 6!! After this it’s time to clean up the house. @ronguest …

: 💪🏾Push-up challenge!!! Day 5 Alive!! This one was super hard for me to finish. @ronguest @jemostrom …

: Beautiful things in this world.

: 💪🏾Push-up challenge!!! Day 4! Let me know if you want me to ping you everyday like this. @ronguest …

: 💪🏾Push-up challenge!!! Day 3! A little late in my day but never too late! How it going @ronguest …

: Hey! There’s something I knew but haven’t started to implement as much as I need to. If someone …

: 💪🏾Push-up challenge!!! Day 2! How are you doing? @ronguest @jemostrom @gr36 @Gaby ?

: 💪🏾Push-up challenge!!! 10+ pushups everyday for the rest of the month. Who’s with me?

: Dear world, Taking full screenshots and then pasting them into ms word to send to me is not helping. …

: Accessible Social Welcome to Accessible Social, a free resource hub for digital marketers, …

: If you’d like me to sign your pgp key, send me a message.

: Time to give the dog a bath!

: Sometimes I just like looking at the trees at my apartment complex.

: Playing with Ulysses Tables This is just a simple test of publishing with the latest version of Ulysses. Some small header. ❯ …

: Long day! I hate my shoes!

: I told my wife that I was grateful to have her in my life.

: Definitely a lot of work no going in the journal.

: I’m angry and frustrated. I don’t understand how these people can live like this.

: I announced #JustDoItJune and got sick with Covid. Now I’m shooting for #JustManageJune and it feels …

: The only good thing about Covid is that it’s counting all the times I walk around as exercise. Which …

: Starting to feel normal after contracting Covid. In my sickness, I installed the iOS beta.

: Wrapping up for the night and I’m actually at peace with a lot of different things. How can I feel …

: Sometimes you hit it on the dot, Siri.

: I don’t know if I’m hungry, thirsty, or just stressed. But I just want to keep eating.

: Seriously, do not send me a text about an email with no further details about said email. You are …

: I’m challenging myself to #JustDoItJune and in that spirit, I’m starting today.

: After having my tooth extracted, this is how I eat a banana 🍌.

: I missed a couple days of the photo challenge because I got busy and sick over the weekend. …

: May 2022 Photo Challenge Day 13 prompt: community This is a track meet.

: Someone is giving away a tv. I might take it to e waste.

: Oatmeal with different sides and strawberries for lunch.

: May 2022 Photo Challenge Day 12 prompt: tranquility

: May 2022 Photo Challenge Day 11 prompt: maroon Second time getting this under the buzzer

: Teaser for the new season of Westworld! I didn’t know that I was going to be so excited about …

: May 2022 Photo Challenge Day 10 prompt: pot

: May 2022 Photo Challenge Day 9 prompt: bloom

: May 2022 Photo Challenge Day 8 prompt: union

: My wife says that I haven’t put any effort in. I don’t feel that way. I understand that I have …

: May 2022 Photo Challenge Day 7 prompt: park

: May 2022 Photo Challenge Day 6 prompt: silhouette

: May 2022 Photo Challenge Day 5 prompt: earth I guess we’re back to normal since the pandemic is …

: May 2022 Photo Challenge Day 4 prompt: thorny If I don’t deal with this, life will get thorny.

: The clipping on this is not only bad taste but a bad sign of what might come.

: May 2022 Photo Challenge Day 3 prompt: experimental

: May 2022 Photo Challenge Day 2 prompt: photo

: May 2022 Photo Challenge Day 1 prompt: switch!

: Seriously? How did this pass QA?

: Oh! I never knew it made such a difference!

: I want to know myself so that I can appreciate more of who I am without hubris and improve in a …

: My dog taking a walk in the rain.

: Lillie taking a afternoon nap.

: Poop hit the fan at work and everywhere else for me. I’m turning of social media until Sunday. I’ll …

: Turns out I was sending some of my posts to my test account.

: As an example of our brains working against us, I just had a thought cross my mind. Is it too late …

: I wish Apple had continued working with enhancements to books. Apple has a lot of good ideas that …

: Lillie sitting in the sun.

: Lillie’s new bed

: Lillie playing with a frisbee.

: So my dad called me asking if I had a Facebook account. He needed one to access the stream of his …

: Top 10 Hugo Themes for 2022 - CloudCannon Found this on Reddit and thought some of you might be …

: Obsolete body parts While his two-implant system is still working, he doesn’t know how long that will be the case. “As …

: I’ve been wondering… since the changes in 1password have happened how many people are …

: I might have bought too much flour.

: Should I work on a new theme? I’ve been thinking about this for a little bit of time after putting some effort into the Pure …

: A lot is going on in the world. Here is a picture of my dog blending into her natural environment.

: A small defense of Apple Arcade I was recently listening to episode 49 of the Hemispheric Views podcast and they had a brief segment …

: Friday!

: Just spent more time trying to come up with my next project than actually working on it. What is the …

: I recorded a podcast on my laptop and the audio quality was very bad. I don’t want to share it …

: Due is Helping This was originally two messages that I put in discord, but I thought I’d put it on my blog for …

: Podcast Episode The Second Thanks to everyone who listened in. I’m still putting things together and I’m looking forward to the …

: First In A New Podcasts Habit The first step is always the hardest. I thought I would start with something small and see where it …

: Today, I got to inbox zero with my personal mail. It felt great to get it all sorted out. We have a …

: Lillie taking a nap on the bed

: Hiding in her natural habitat… blankets.

: Found out that I was posting to my test blog for the last couple weeks as I was working on changes …

: A Podcast Announcement Going to get back into making podcasts and other kinds of media.

: Just found out that a friend of mine has died from Multiple Sclerosis. He’d been diagnosed for …

: How was your first day at work @ChrisHannah?

: I’m debating on getting BBEdit or upgrading my license of Sublime Text. Am I putting money …

: Giving Lillie her first bath of the Year I gave Lillie her first bath of the new year. Your browser does not support the video tag.

: Trying to determine if something goes into notes or a dairy.

: Making bacon for the morning.

: The Matrix Resurrections is meh Let me say this and there will be spoilers I really, really liked the Matrix when if first came out. …

: Let’s start something new.

: Love and kindness to all this Christmas season!

: Happy holidays everyone!

: There goes a 167 day streak.

: She’s in charge of the bed.

: This is how we spend our Halloween. Just chilling.

: I took Lillie to the vet yesterday.

: The best thing about the new OS was that I installed in on the family’s home computer and now …

: Found this in my daughter’s art work.

: I deleted twitter off my phone today. I didn’t delete my account, but I thought I would remove …

: Made a short video.

: Broken pen.

: Apple event on a Monday?

: With all the R. Kelly stuff coming to light, I’m finding some joy in listening to some songs by …

: I finished a half marathon I recently ran a half-marathon. I thought I’d include the little video that they took off me …

: 6 Ways to Participate in World Mental Health Day - The Secret Ingredient World Mental Health Day …

: An Interactive Introduction to Zettelkasten I came across this page in a newsletter that I read. It’s a pretty cool introduction to …

: I took a little break from social media and apparently Facebook did too. I hope people started to …

: Always loving a good sweat!

: So… our neighbor has a cat.

: photoblogging challenge, Day 1 We didn’t get a touch down.

: I’m really hoping that Apple announces new laptops in the next week or so. I want to get …

: Waiting on Teenagers My oldest is doing her first high school activity. She’s going to be hanging out with some …

: Downstream - Relay FM Downstream is a new podcast about the future of streaming media. Tech and entertainment companies …

: Going to bed early tonight As soon as I said to myself that I was going on o bed early, a voice in my head said “No, your …

: There is room here in the shallows Long ago, I had wanted to be a writer. More specifically, a fantasy writer. Someone who could weave …

: Spending sometime going over my list of tasks. Just using a pen and print out of my OmniFocus items.

: I hate my allergy medicine It makes me very, very drowsy. It becomes incredible hard to focus on anything for a prolonged …

: My family is having a guest over tonight and it’s the first time that we’ve allowed …

: waiting at the airport I’m waiting for my parents at the airport. I’ve been waiting for almost an hour even …

: What are you doing in my bed!? Sleeping. 🐶

: Jr High Dungeons and Dragons My youngest daughter joined a Dungeons and Dragons at her high school and was really excited about …

: When I’m stressed, I get mean to myself. Little unnecessary comments. Where did I learn this and how …

: I’ve been invited to be part of my friend’s new DnD campaign. It’s using DnD rules but part of a …

: Making dinner! Close up of the dishes

: Hey, there are about 100 days left in the year. Does anyone have any challenges that they would like …

: I’m wearing my watch on my right arm because I found that wearing it on my left discouraged me to …

: Lillie in her kennel. 🐶

: My wife has been telling for weeks that there were going to be shortages on certain kinds of food. …

: Hey @maique! Here is a picture of one of the sandwiches. I think I spend too much time rolling the …

: Someone keeps knocking the stuffing out of her bed.

: It’s the little things in life that really, really irate me when it comes to Apple’s software. All I …

: There are soooo many text editors to choose from these days. If there was ever a time that you …

: Went to get some air.

: It was a pretty full day, I woke up later than I usually do and looks sometime making coffee. My …

: the day after the tears Yesterday was pretty chaotic. It feels like today went to an opposite extreme. Just feeling …

: Being a parent is so, so very hard to do. Not only are you supposed to be responsible for yourself …

: Something about this fire hydrant

: Being drunk means never having to say your sorry About two days ago, I had a friend start shouting some stuff in a group chat that a few of my …

: The Apple events are usually fun for me. I usually put it on my calendar and watch them live either …

: Wow @jayeless! I was working theming the default marfa theme using the color scheme from nord and …

: Went into the office today. I went into the office today to have a little bit of a change of pace as my productivity at home has …

: It’s been a pretty long weekend. My wife was telling me that we hadn’t had this many …

: Well, I’m up in Chico, Ca this morning to take my daughter to a volleyball tournament. …

: Smart Glasses by Facebook and Ray-Ban Mix Cool With Creepy Ray-Ban’s Stories look like classic …

: I woke up before my alarm this morning and actually sat up and did some meditation. The day before I …

: In my Toastmaster’s club we recently talked about what things you should have ready incase of …

: Meeting invites using the default tools from apple is kind of messy.

: For close to 48 hours, my home has been without air conditioning. I’m very, very thankful as …

: Last night, the air conditioner stopped working. This made for a very long and very hot night. …

: I joke woke up from a nightmare this morning. I dreamed that might wife had left her job which I am …

: I went to go walk our dog, Lillie for the second time in just as many hours. On the way to little …

: I can’t be the only one who likes “Off the wall” more than “Thriller”.

: As some of you may know, I live in an apartment complex. One of the perks is that it has a little …

: GoDaddy is cutting off Texas Right to Life’s abortion ‘whistleblowing’ website - The Verge I might …

: We’re very fortunate to be able to get our children cellphones at a reasonable price thanks to …

: We’re very fortunate to be able to get our children cellphones at a reasonable price thanks to …

: In my home, I’m the one who wakes up and makes sure that everyone is able to get to where they need …

: Lillie's Friend Our dog, Lillie, has gotten a friend. It’s the cat next door. She comes running to the door to …

: This is a small test to see if the mac app allows for post using hugo shortcodes. I …

: I’m thinking about challenging myself to write 100 words every day on for the month …

: I came across this today.

: If on is using this app. I made it all the way to 20 push-ups. The trick …

: I bought a chemex and Audio hijack… Did I catch the podcasting bug?

: Playing fetch with Lillie

: She likes to look down on the peasantry.

: Big eyes!

: I want to start writing more. The first thing that comes to mind is the fact that I don’t have …

: I turned off cross posting (again).

: This spider only bites the cleanest hands.

: I feel like I’m fighting all my tools today.

: Now she’s taking her toys with her to what used to be my bed.

: Made some pork chops ! The results of the grill.

: It hurts sooo much in a good way!

: In a rare moment in my life, I find myself tripple booked.

: Just for a little bit

: The only thing that I agree with Led Tasso about.

: Led Tasso breaks my heart. 😭

: So, my co-host for my very short lived podcast has dropped out. Does anyone one want to do a short …

: Michael Jackson’s original Thriller demo. The words are completely different. Wild. It was hard for …

: Morning sweats!

: Three telemarketing calls in the last 20 minutes. I don’t know why this continues.

: A little bit before work starts.

: I don’t believe it! But it feels incredibly good!

: Songs of Schmigadoon S01E01 This is the pilot episode of a podcast covering the Apple TV+ show “Schmigadoon”.

: One of those days where the move ring doesn’t want to work with me.

: I have to put my swift programming dream on hold (again). I’ve got to focus on a different tech …

: I love Ted Lasso but this last episode was awkward to watch with the kids.

: Early morning sweat!

: I sent an email to all the toastmaster clubs that are part of my local area and I only heard back …

: Things change with time. That is something that is abuntantly clear to me. I’m not the person …

: This tool tells you if NSO’s Pegasus spyware targeted your phone – TechCrunch Over the weekend, an …

: Time to get the weights out. I bought these in high school and have probably used them 40 times …

: I just had this thought… Am I the Ted Lasso of my loved ones? If that’s a question, then how do I go …

: 🖥 Swift macOS There are plenty of books, videos, and online resources for developing iOS apps. …

: I’ve realized that I’ve over committed myself to other people.

: Playing poker with my daughter. It’s a win-win.

: The fence at the new “dog park”

: This is fun!

: The new beta of iOS 15 introduced tags. I think this is great because I use notes to share …

: Went for a run and it didn’t record the distance.

: As I was running this morning, there were a couple times that I stopped. I would forward and say …

: I just need this to get to 13.1.

: Picture that my daughter drew

: I went into the office and realized that I lol probably never use this again.

: Dead Startup Toys Behold these beautiful mutants, hoisted on petards of their own solid-aluminum-unibody construction. …

: It’s hard sometimes, but I think it’s worth it.

: Swift Concurrency by Example - free quick start tutorials for Swift developers Swift Concurrency by Example walks you through the many and varied ways of running concurrent code …

: I have 12 more weeks before the half marathon that I signed up for is supposed to happen. Hopefully, …

: I’m really enjoying how my homepage on

: I’m really enjoying Song Pop Party.

: I just spent half an hour working with Hazel so that I can sort the files that I download. Tomorrow, …

: Earthquake!!!

: Goals for being an officer in Toastmasters I wrote the following email and sent it to my fellow officers. I haven’t heard back but …

: This is my mind right now.

: I think this might be my favorite feature of iOS.

: Nitro + PDFpen: Extending PDF Productivity to Mac, iPad and iPhone Another company has been acquired. Today, I’m excited to announce Nitro’s acquisition of PDFpen, the …

: It’s cool to look back on this stuff.

: First perfect month of Fitness+

: I turned off all of my mail rules to see how much mail I was getting. Turns out it’s a lot.

: My family says this is the only thing that I can watch today.

: I’m going to be the President of my Toast Master’s club. This is either going to be fun or …

: I’ve been doing yoga this week and just realized that I’m making a habit of working out in the …

: I set up cross posting again to see if bridgy works.

: I keep going back and forth on whether I should cross post my content on Twitter. On one hand, I do …

: Messing around with clips again

: Meanwhile, someone forgot to take a water bottle out of the freezer.

: Looks like someone is giving up drinking.

: I changed my site to use the Nord Theme.

: My daughter said she doesn’t like science and I felt that I had failed.

: The Safari beta was available for a little bit for Big Sur, but the images didn’t open up. …

: I woke up this morning almost swearing that I could smell the heat of a 109 degree day.

: JuneteenthConf - Celebrates Black Excellence in technology One of my friends is going to be speaking …

: Lillie doesn’t like to walk.

: The joys of having pets…

: I tried… I was going through the Async/Await and concurrency videos. I feel dejected. I’m not ready …

: The mew OS knows what breed Lillie is.

: Day One acquired by Automattic Today, I’m thrilled to announce that Day One is being acquired by Automattic Inc. This is incredibly …

: Just waiting for my order.

: She’s tired from the periods between her naps.

: Going to start up my swift development again.

: Now that the pandemic is over, we can go back to not washing our hands. …

: I’m upping my exercise goal to 20 minutes a day.

: I found myself chastising myself for looking at the “what’s new in swift" video because …

: My RSS feeds are filled with things from WWDC. I kind of wish more of this was in the presentations …

: My daughter asked me about async/await and now I’ve got homework. #WWDC

: That sound during the multitasking section was horrible!

: I was really excited by WWDC, but the highlight of today is that my daughter was asking me for …

: Sharing from Runkeeper I just ran my 3rd longest run with Runkeeper!…

: Not feeling 💯 because of my second covid shot, but I think I can finish my rings before the end of …

: First day with Apple Watch. I’ll post what my rings are at the end of the month.

: A fresh new Firefox is here I thought it was important to high light this section in the announcement of the new version of …

: I just got an Apple Watch and none of my friends do. I would like to challenge anyone else. …

: My Apple Watch ⌚️ came in today. The family bought it for me as a gift 🎁. I’m excited 😆. The need …

: Memorial weekend sales.

: She definitely has a presence about her.

: Speaking of WWDC, @manton & @jean is there going to be a WWDC badge or tag for next Monday?

: I’m taking next Monday off to watch WWDC. I usually watch it with my good nerd buddy friend …

: Does anyone use Fastmail for contacts?

: And that’s part of the reason I’m not in a rush to see this movie. Why is this even a …

: This is non Lillie’s yoga mat.

: I jumped rope for 10 minutes and I feel so, so, so out of shape. I’m starting training for a half …

: I put “Clean up personal notes" in my task management application yesterday. I opened up my …

: Found this while on a walk

: Yesterday was pretty good in that I stayed on task and just kept the distractions to a minimum. I’m …

: Mental Health Association San Francisco May is Mental Health Awareness Month1 and I wanted to spread the word a little bit more. I’m …

: Giving [Alfred]( ”Alfred - Productivity App for macOS”) a try this week. …

: #Update# By me checking, I’m saying that I’m feeling excited and not entitled to it. It …

: I keep checking my invitation for OmniFocus 4 from @omni.

: Manton Reece - Webmention and Twitter get’s better and better! This is all a long way of saying: when you post a link to …

: She has it good.

: I made sure that my mastodon user name for is set up. If you are interested it is …

: Hello @help Is there something that needs to be set for my domain so that I can use ActivityPub? I …

: I’m connecting Twitter to my account to reconnect with some of my friends.

: She keeps messing up the couch 🛋 cover.

: A tasty 👅 blanket.

: Hello @manton this is what I had in mind. I thought it was attached with my previous post.

: Hello @manton! Would it be possible to include an “Add Book” button for the individual shelves? I …

: Hey @manton are you doing anything with FloC In the meantime, if you’re a website owner, you have to …

: Sometimes you have to “back” to pen and paper. I shouldn’t say “back” because it’s not like I was …

: I shaved and apparently the whole family thinks I’m a monster now.

: Finished reading: Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones …

: First Look: OmniFocus 4 for iPhone and iPad - Learn OmniFocus First Look: OmniFocus 4 for iPhone and iPad - Learn OmniFocus I’ve had the good fortune of being one …

: Just went through most of my passwords in [1Password]( “The world’s most-loved …

: A Monday In May (Belated) Just a short post as I get back to podcasting.

: Just because you haven’t heard anything new about the situation, doesn’t mean that it …

: OmniFocus 4 First Look & Invitation to Help Test I’m always excited by something new! Today, we are excited to provide a first look at the …

: Deeply focused.

: That was nerve wrecking. #covid

: Feeling sick and now we’re having a little mommy-daddy discussion about how I might have gotten our …

: My dad came by and asked me to hold two pairs of shoes for him that don’t fit me, him, or …

: Mental Health Awareness Month 2021 Mental Health Awareness Month began in the United States in 1949 and was started by the Mental …

: List Markers and String Styles - CSS-Tricks But what if we want to style the markers differently …

: I’ve been thinking about it for a while and it definitely feels like base camp has moved from being …

: Had a medical scare today. Not life threatening but it definitely doesn’t help my opinion of the …

: Going through the old passwords It feels pretty good to have some of these passwords cleaned up.

: I’m not a paid subscriber to fantastical. So I now see this every time I open the app.

: I’m doing a review and I cleaned out all my emails. That felt weird until I realized that I …

: Most exciting thing on my desk.

: This is the same image from the same app being sent to Sunlit. Sorry about this, I thought you knew …

: This is what I see sometimes @manton This is from Apollo to

: Kind of how I’ve been feeling lately

: It’s interesting to see all the replies about the remote being sold separately. Given time, it …

: Throwing shade at Intel.

: SVG test post from MarsEdit This is another attempt at putting an svg in a post.

: I didn’t know that acorn allowed you to put svg into a text window.

: That used to be my spot.

: First big walk of the year.

: Anyway, I woke up before the alarm went off and spent the last half hour having fun on …

: Come hither!

: Buying a House: Home Prices Soar in U.S. Market Where Demand Outpaces Supply - Bloomberg Demand is so fierce that almost half of U.S. homes are selling within a week of hitting the market, …

: Google is making it easier to leave them. Thank you!

: On our way back from the vet

: I think that’s a good sign that Safari is second on the list.

: Lillie is literally chewing up the stairs.

: I’m thinking about doing a small run podcast about Falcon and Winter Soldier

: This is my bed now!!

: Sorry, but daddy’s busy.

: Seriously, pick one!

: I wrote this in 2017 and it feels like it’s the same arguments.

: Thinking about creating a just for Lillie

: She doesn’t listen sometimes.

: Automatic Affirmations It’s hard for me to keep myself on target sometimes and to look back at my accomplishments. …

: Well, I’m at that point of being so out of shape that I’m tired from standing up to help my daughter …

: I took today off. I’m going to just relax and play around with Xcode.

: My daughter made shrimp and polenta.

: Hey! @manton @help Did you know that hover is offering this as an option for connecting? I’m …

: I’ve decided that I am going to finish [100 days of …

: Sleeping on the job.

: She’s supposed to be helping me work.

: I don’t know why so many people are in a rush to get kids back into school without addressing the …

: Going for a drive.

: It’s raining outside so this is where she’s going to be for a while.

: My daughter took this picture.

: The first work day since [daylight …

: OK so I’m trying to get the dog up and she just does not want to move with me today.

: Taking care of the neighbors dog

: I want to write more. I also want what I write about to have some kind of substance. Maybe …

: Getting into a habit is easy. Getting back into it is hard because I’ve made it a habit of not doing …

: Spent some time cleaning the floors this evening. It’s a never ending job, but it feels good to make …

: Wolfwalkers - Wikipedia I just finished watching “Wolfwalkers” on AppleTV+ with the family. Wolfwalkers follows …

: After cleaning shrimp 🍤, I can see why they cost a little bit extra. I also block out the thought of …

: Lillie hanging out by the entertainment center

: This is how Lillie expresses her distaste for waking up.

: Making tacos!

: She’s supposed to be helping me!

: Today is the last day that of WandaVision. I even put up some shortcuts to avoid spoilers.

: What are you looking at?

: Messing with Apple's built in Grapher Spent some time looking at the grapher application found on the Mac. I like the fact that I can just …

: My daughter drew this over her lunch.

: February Photo Challenge 📷 Day 30: Privacy This is a private conversation.

: February Photo Challenge 📷 Day 29: Light With this, I can get more light on my 🧠

: February Photo Challenge 📷 Day 28: Up She’s looking up at a bird.

: We took Lillie to the vet today. The weird part is that I collected a stool sample this morning but …

: February Photo Challenge 📷 Day 26: Pompasetting Hers is a picture of Lillie all dressed …

: This is from Ulysses. I have to clean up the kitchen after making coffee.

: February Photo Challenge 📷 Day 26: Favourite This might be my favorite moment of the day. …

: I keep getting the day wrong on my photo challenges! 😫

: February Photo Challenge 📷 Day 25: Code Waiting for Xcode to load my preview.

: February Photo Challenge 📷 Day 24: Baby We were walking and then she just stopped and …

: Some months ago, I made a promise to myself that I would only work on 1 tech project at a time. …

: February Photo Challenge 📷 Day 23: Bananas Going for the literal definition of bananas …

: February Photo Challenge 📷 Day 22: Color She’s sleeping for a spell.

: Me: Hey Performance Testers, can you update the test environment this code is from several weeks …

: February Photo Challenge 📷 Day 21: Color Second attempt to post this. These don’t get a …

: February Photo Challenge 📷 Day 21: Color These should be the color of dust. Re-edited.

: February Photo Challenge 📷 Day 20: Weather Ready for any type of weather.

: WandaVision!!!!!

: February Photo Challenge 📷 Day 19: Alive She makes the home come alive.

: February Photo Challenge 📷 Day 18: Home This stuff is looking for a new home.

: 100 Days of SwiftUI - Day 34 (Part Deux) It’s been a while since I posted a score on one of the tests. I’m doing it this time …

: 100 Days of SwiftUI - Day 33 (Part Deux) Today felt much better when it comes to getting the material. I’m really glad that I decided …

: February Photo Challenge 📷 Day 17: Still Most of the time that she stays still, she’s …

: 100 Days of SwiftUI – Day 32 – Hacking with Swift (Part Deux) It feels good to accomplish something like this. The first time I looked at the material, I felt I …

: February Photo Challenge 📷 Day 16: Erudite I got to use these to find the meaning of the …

: Testing from the share sheet cats fighting

: February Photo Challenge 📷 Day 15: Reflection Who is that handsome young man.

: 100 Days of SwiftUI – Restarting from day 32 – Hacking with Swift Sometimes life changes a little bit or something comes along and makes you rethink what you are …

: February Photo Challenge 📷 Day 11: Conpassion It’s amazing how much more I learned from …

: Are there any stout lovers following me? 🍺

: February Photo Challenge 📷 Day 13: Make I call it making breakfast but my partner says …

: 100 Days of SwiftUI – Day 33 – Hacking with Swift I’m pretty happy that today’s lesson lands on a Friday. It will allow me to do more …

: February Photo Challenge 📷 Day 12: Sporg This sporg might outlive is all.

: 100 Days of SwiftUI – Day 32 – Hacking with Swift Today is an introduction to animation and I’m really looking forward to it. Today we’ll be …

: February Photo Challenge 📷 Day 11: Machine Crank those widgets!

: Who are these people who like using 11 point font and why do you hate me?

: I’ve been using Big Sur for about a week and it took me until today to realize that I …

: 100 Days of SwiftUI – Day 31 – Hacking with Swift The apps continue to show more and more of what I can do in Swift and I’m really enjoying the …

: February Photo Challenge 📷 Day 10: Energy I wonder how many people are going to use …

: 100 Days of SwiftUI – Day 30 – Hacking with Swift For today’s activity, I started it in the afternoon after a long day. I spent too much time …

: February Photo Challenge 📷 Day 9: Muddy The sprinkler system at my apartment complex does …

: I’m ready for my close up!

: I’ve been attempting to do 100 push-ups a day for this month. I break it into sets of 10 and do it …

: Beautiful article via The Loop to the site called cake. Certainly interesting to hear …

: 100 Days of SwiftUI – Day 29 – Hacking with Swift A lot of people have mixed feelings about Monday’s. For me, I look at them with gratitude that …

: February Photo Challenge 📷 Day 8: Hope I hope that I can open this one day.

: It’s the little things that make me wonder about the new version of the OS.

: February Photo Challenge 📷 Day 7: Craving I was craving this and forgot to take the …

: 100 Days of SwiftUI – Day 28 – Hacking with Swift I’m pretty happy that this review day landed on a Sunday. It lets me go over my previous posts …

: 100 Days of SwiftUI – Day 27 – Hacking with Swift I’ve decided to change the default title for these posts to reflect what resource that …

: February Photo Challenge 📷 Day 6: Sport I pick these up sometimes.

: Upgraded to Big Sur today. I hope that I don’t regret it.

: Swift Slowly: Day 40 - Hacking Swift 26 I’ve finished a quarter of the program! I’m pretty proud of myself for doing that. With …

: February Photo Challenge 📷 Day 3: Pets

: Swift Slowly: Day 39 - Hacking Swift 25 Today is a consolidation and challenge day! I’m a quarter of the way through this and …

: Made a short video of my dog in a dress.

: This is how hard it’s to get her up in the morning. I’d let her sleep but she’ll poop on the floor …

: February Photo Challenge 📷 Day 3: Layers My dog under a layer of blankets.

: Swift Slowly: Day 38 - Hacking with Swift 24 It’s the middle of the week and it’s a good time to do some Swift development! I’m …

: New “Coming 2 America" trailer! I used to watch this with my mom on a regular basis.

: February Photo Challenge 📷 Day 3: Comfort This is my dog Lillie laying in what used to be …

: February Photo Challenge 📷 2 February Photo Challenge 📷 Day 3: Comfort Dog sleeping I wish I could go back to sleep …

: Apple Releases macOS 11.3 Beta with New Safari Features, Reminders Sorting, Music Updates, and …

: Swift Slowly: Day 38 - Hacking Swift 23 Today’s activity is research. I’m a little nervous about what is coming next because …

: February Photo Challenge 📷 February Photo Challenge 📷 Day 2: morning beverage I bought an aeropress years ago and …

: I told my wife that one of my friends just found out that they had “The Big C”. A poor choice in …

: February Photo Challenge 📷 February Photo Challenge 📷 Day 1: Close up This is a pic of what I see when I look …

: Swift Slowly: Day 37 - Hacking Swift 22 Today, I was reading reddit like I normally do and I came across a quote on the GetMotivated forum. …

: Blockquotes in MarsEdit MarsEdit has a wonderful feature that allows you to take a snippet from a website and start a post …

: I went walking after the storm earlier this week. Lots of fallen trees every where.

: Swift Slowly: Day 36 - Hacking Swift 21 Project 2, Part 2 almost sounds like a title for an action parody, but it’s the title for …

: Swift Slowly: Day 35 - Hacking Swift 20 I’m fresh off the high of creating my first application and I SO want to charge ahead. I keep …

: Swift Slowly: Day 34 - Hacking Swift 19 Today is challenge day! I’ve been looking at the page for about 20 minutes. Then surfed the …

: A couple pictures of how I had to plug in my devices at my local laundry in order to get my devices …

: Swift Slowly: Day 32 & 33 - Hacking Swift 17 & 18 Power was out for two days and the this was one of the first things that I did1! It felt great to …

: We’ve been without power since Tuesday. I’m using the power from a near by laundry room to charge my …

: Power has been out since yesterday. So I guess my streak of programming every day has come to and …

: Swift Slowly: Day 31 - Hacking Swift 16 Day 16! Starting the first project after a long day of work. Part of me wants to just veg, but I’ve …

: Swift Slowly: Day 30 - Hacking Swift 15 I’m posting this for hacking with swift 14 & 15. Tomorrow, I start the first project and …

: Swift Slowly: Day 29 - Hacking Swift 13 Review day!! I’m using this time to go over the basic types again.

: Swift Slowly: Day 28 - Hacking Swift 12 The neighbors were up arguing from 3-5 in the morning and it woke the whole family up. I’m …

: Swift Slowly: Day 27 - Hacking Swift 11 I’m up past midnight and thought that programming is probably the best thing to do. So …

: Learning to knit 🧶

: Wow, you would think that something like this wouldn’t be allowed to be entered. And yes, I …

: I made a promise to myself to just have one technical project at a time. It was hard to let go and …

: Swift Slowly: Day 27 - Hacking Swift 10 Today is really cool because not only am I celebrating the inauguration of Joe Biden, but I’m …

: Watching the inauguration.

: Went for a walk and came across these turkeys 🦃.

: Swift Slowly: Day 26 - Hacking Swift 9 We continue with structs today and I think I’m getting it for the most part. The issues that I …

: I think I might have to rewire my home set up.

: Swift Slowly: Day 25 - Hacking Swift 8 Today, is an exploration of structs. A lot of Swift seems to be built using structs. I wasn’t …

: Swift Slowly: Day 24- Hacking Swift 7 Closures part 2! Paul Hudson says that this is where closures start to look a little bit like line …

: Swift Slowly: Day 23 - Hacking Swift 6 Closures!!! It took me a while to understand1 but this run through has really cemented how I look at …

: It looks like she is running for office.

: Swift Slowly: Day 22 - Hacking Swift 5 Today, I decided that I’d use CodeRunner to look at the examples found in the tutorials. …

: How day you wake me up?!

: Swift Slowly: Day 21 - Hacking Swift 4 Today is all about loops. I learned that you can’t loop over a tuple. I think this is because …

: Swift Slowly: Day 20 - Hacking Swift 3 I want to point out that I really enjoy the brief discussions on why things are the way they are in …

: Just finished the 1997 film Selena. Good movie but really depressing.

: Swift Slowly: Day 19 - Hacking Swift 2 The introduction of complex data types: Arrays, Sets, and Tuples. I normally get sets and tuples …

: Guess who isn’t allowed upstairs!

: Swift Slowly: Day 18 Working through Paul Hudson’s excellent 100 days of SwiftUI. I thought about changing the …

: Our dog isn’t allowed upstairs.

: I feel pretty good about limiting my technical projects. Although I do have feelings that I’m …

: Swift Slowly: Day 17 The last day of my run through! I get to run the completed application. Tomorrow I’ll start …

: Swift Slowly: Day 16 Work got busy and then the Country’s Capital got attacked so I didn’t put any time into …

: Any beginning to intermediate tutorials that anyone would recommend? I’m doing a slow series …

: Swift Slowly: Day 15 This is the last section of the tutorial. There were a lot of distractions today, but I’m …

: I don’t feel like doing development today. I got to push through some how.

: Swift Slowly: Day 14

This is the last section of the tutorial and I’m wondering what I’m going to do after …

: I’ve been working towards learning swift a little more everyday and blogging about it. I was …

: Swift Slowly: Day 13

Yesterday, I stopped so that I could spend time with my family. I’m going to pick up from the …

: Swift Slowly: Day 12

Today’s tutorial is about drawing. I’m almost done going through the entire tutorial and …

: I don’t know if this is new but seeing the notifications builds trust that it’s working. I say this …

: Swift Slowly: Day 11

Continuing with learning about persistence tutorial

<img alt …

: She wasn’t ready to wake up.

: This is America.

: Start of with a little exercise.

: Swift Slowly: Day 10

Today’s tutorial is about persistence. I think that’s a good one as I make my way …

: After watching the ball drop this year, I know that what we needed to do was have the year sponsored …

: Lilly love neck rubs.

: I just spent an hour going over a 15 minute tutorial. It was great. I think I might have to work on …

: Swift Slowly: Day 9

Getting back into the swing of things and I’m continuing with the tutorial. Today is about …

: I was trying to lose weight this year. I’ve been creeping up more and more these last couple of …

: So, I bought a controller to for my Mac and my daughter asked to use it. My swift development has …

: I haven’t forgotten that I was going to work on my swift development. I just used that time to …

: I wonder if this is new in the beta?

: Swift Slowly: Day 8 I’m continuing with the Managing State and Life Cycle section of the Apple SwiftUI Tutorial. …

: Swift Slowly: Day 7

Today marks the 7th day that I’ve committed to blogging about my development. This continues …

: I don’t understand why “Trading Places” isn’t celebrated as a Christmas movie as much as “Die Hard”.

: Swift Slowly: Day 6

As this is Day 6 of my self directed move to learning swift, I’m thinking about how this …

: I’m going to nominate @Burk for Micro Monday.

: Swift Slowly: Day 5 On day 5 of the tutorial and I think I’m growing more comfortable with the keyboard shortcuts. …

: Swift Slowly: Day 4 Today’s tutorial was pretty good. I did run into a small problem with specifying the …

: Mike Tsai pointsto a great article about Google and it’s case of antitrust brought forth from Texas. …

: Swift Slowly: Day 3 Day 3 is the third day of the tutorial. I spent most of this time just reading over the document and …

: Swift Slowly: Day 2 I’m working on the second part of the tutorial. The autocorrect is much nicer when it is …

: Swift Slowly: Day 1 Started iOS App Dev with SwiftUI Tutorials. Why? I know it’s my X numbered attempt to learn …

: The Forest app has upped their game for the holidays.

: Designed to Deceive: Do These People Look Real to You? Well, this is a little unsettling. There are now businesses that sell fake people. On the website …

: Sometimes you have to use what tools you have to use what tools are available to you. #bulletjournal

: I spent some time removing things from my todo list. I actually started to tear up a little. …

: I spent the first 4 hours of my day in my own mind. Did I find anything? I hope so.

: Ok, we’ll adopt you.

: One thing that I like about is that it’s breaking me from the habit of looking at …

: Dr Drang says Good-bye to Setapp I’m walking away perfectly happy with the year I spent with it. …

: I’m going to recommend @maique for [Micro Monday.]( “A …

: I really like being able to share my subscriptions with my family. I just hope that they find them …

: I’m feeling pretty tired today, but I’m going to power through on some goals that …

: I’m spending sometime with iA writer I’m spending sometime with iA writer. It’s definitely a nice interface for writing things. I just …

: So, I’m starting the process of removing the number of things that I’m working on. Part of …

: I wanted to echo this tip from Brett Terpstra related to the proxy icon functionality found in macOS …

: Not so happy today.

: A new addition to the family.

: I didn’t make it to to the end of NaNoWriMo this year. I did enjoy spending time writing with …

: Took some pictures as I went for a walk The leaves are really look nice as they continue to change. I really enjoyed taking pictures of the …

: What’s Going Up? Getting back into my podcasts.

: Every other day, it feels like I log into mastodon and see this kind of error.

: Playing with PeerTube Recently, YouTube had an outage and I saw someone mention PeerTube on Reddit. It got me a curious …

: Random thought: I’m going to attempt to us my non-dominant hand more often.

: Bought some comic trades.

: The internet wasn’t working this morning and it made it one of the most productive mornings …

: messing-around Sometimes... I wonder why I have so much trouble on focusing on what is important.

: For some reason, this looked interesting to me.

: What’s New in Hazel 5 – Noodlesoft Hazel 5 is out. My first reaction on hearing the news was a dread that it had moved on to needing a …

: Just realized that part of the reason that my day wasn’t going so well is that I didn’t spend …

: Oh fantastical, if only I hade my life together enough to justify paying for you.

: Empty Software Dialog I saw the little red alert on my system preferences that there is a new update. I’m going to …

: Went for a walk this evening. I want to get out here before the weather changes.

: It seemed like so long ago…

: Microblogvember challenge Prompt: say Say what you will, but Pancakes 🥞 might be one of the greatest …

: I thought I would try to use clips again.

: Microblogvember challenge Prompt: elderly I hope one day, when I’m elderly, that this year …

: I’ve decided to put all of my technical projects on hold for the rest of the year.

: Microblogvember challenge Prompt: force Procrastination is a horrible force that can make you miss …

: I found a copy of one of my favorite childhood movies. I remember watching this video a LOT and …

: Almost convinced the wife to buy a PlayStation 5 so that the kids can play with the VR capabilities. …

: NaNoWriMo status This is me attempting to post my NaNoWriMo status image from the files application.

: I went for a long walk today

: A self portrait

: Hello @help i keep getting this error when I attempt to post using the sunlit app. I’ll plug 🔌 my …

: I’m feeding the little squirrel in my backyard. It’s really malnourished and the tail isn’t as …

: I deleted my Twitter app. I figured it would not be good for my mental health as we go into the …

: Microblogvember challenge Prompt: concentrate I’m having trying my best to concentrate on my goals …

: Microblogvember challenge Prompt: Dreary I’m having my favorite dinner, pizza, but I’m still feeling …

: The house is kind of mess with all the things we ‘think’ we need plus we’re dog watching.

: Prepping for NaNoWriMo I’m getting ready for NaNoWriMo this year. I’m really nervous about this because I …

: I understand that Big Sur isn’t here because they are probably waiting for the Apple Silicone …

: Feeling a little bogged down and saw this windmill.

: Went for a walk today. The leaves are turning brown. Normally I’d think of it as being picturesque …

: Giving up on the dream. Decided to find a new home for my tech books.

: At home is Sacramento, CA (USA) 7:47 AM and it’s somebody’s birthday 🎈 A Day In The Life …

: Checking out the squirrels in my backyard here in Sacramento, Ca. A Day In The Life. 🗓🌎

: Trying to find the post from a couple days ago where someone was talking about a nice place to live. …

: I suspect a lot of people don’t know how to go about owning a home. Being part of “Generation Rent”, …

: Episodes For The Future Starting the podcast up again.

: I want to recommend @dejus for micro Monday! His pictures have certainly brighten my days.

: Today is the presidential debate. I think @manton planned the new release so that way so we can use …

: Running iOS 14 and this is the first time I felt the GM was buggier than the beta.

: Making a picture.

: Went for a walk in the smog

: This story got me.

: Making The Most Of It Taking a moment to talk about where I am today.

: Dirty air… Worst than what you see in the science fiction movies about a future distopia.

: This book just came in. I’m hoping to use it as my first book entry for

: The Signal To Start Quick musings about how we sometimes need that signal to stop and start.

: Short Thoughts On A Bigger World A short podcast on where I’m at today.

: The First Episode Is The Most Awkward This is actually my second podcast. The first one never got to see the light of the internet. The …

: A Picture of the yard.

: I disconnected my twitter account from because I want to start filling this with podcasts …

: I figured I would play around with clips again.

: Got update the css on the blog One of the things about having a personal blog without analytics is that you don’t really know …

: Today, I’m going to spend a lot of time going through my own Today, I’m going to spend a lot of time going through my own documents and knocking off some todo …

: Horrible day. It could be sooooo much worse but s#!+ today really sucks.

: This is not ok.

: That is new.

: I’ve been very negligent in the last couple weeks and now I’ve got 36 items in my todo box and …

: My daughter looked at the console while playing Minecraft and I was impressed that she was able to …

: We are having meatloaf to dinner!

: Shocking!

: Just spending a minute with my thoughts. I’m going to do some push-ups and then clean up the …

: I was talking to a neighbor and they said “I have nothing under control”. None of us do.

: I wrote about how I couldn’t do something because I’m in America. I never thought I would write a …

: Poked my head outside my bubble. It’s rough out there, but I cling to the belief that things are …

: Keep safe.

: Lots of typos today. 🤦🏾‍♂️

: I cut off.

: I’m at a recycling center I’m at the recycling center. They give you tags with a number and you get …

: I’m using exercise as my stress relief. I set myself up to lose 30 pounds in the next year. I’ve …

: Finished!

: Went for a morning walk.

: Intel’s stock is really taking a hit.

: Went for a walk. It was 90+ degrees.

: I remember that last year people were talking about the reliability of the iOS betas. That’s not a …

: My favorite new feature? A new date picker!

: My podcast feeds are going to be filled for the next couple of weeks.

: No humans were hurt during the creation of this keynote.

: This is a pretty good keynote so far.

: I saw a guy riding a bike and holding two chainsaws. I said “only in America“ and he smiled and said …

: Hey! If there wasn’t enough stress in my life.

: The family has challenged me to take smaller bites as I eat. Now life has no meaning.

: 1000 things!

: Went for a walk to just relieve some stress.

: I say this too many times.

: My brain 🧠 hurts today. Found myself yelling at the screen because someone used comic sans in an …

: Mold on mold.

: Easily rename your Git default branch from master to main - Scott Hanselman I remember a speech I …

: After “last night”, I think this is appropriate.

: It’s 3:50 AM. The wife and I have been talking for the last 2 hours about where we are in life and …

: Went for a bike 🚲 ride.

: Went to bed feeling anguished.

: A nonsense post with a clip from Apple’s clips app.

: Working on system is o post mind maps

: image of a kind map

: My daughter wants to watch “Stranger Things”. I’m going to let her because it’s less scary than what …

: Stay Safe.

: This is my office space.

: Chilling in the dentist office.

: Palm tree 🌴 in front of my dentist’s office.

: I just hope that “after this” things will get better. But how long is “after this” and “what am I …

: Hmmmm… Got to turn this around.

: I finally got my 30 day challenge pin!

: Went for a walk to a nearby fountain.

: Feeling a little chubby today.

: My watch doesn’t work anymore.

: Drop-in switcher for previewing minimal CSS frameworks I’ve got a real interest in simple interfaces and came across this recently. Drop-in switcher …

: Made cheese burgers 🍔

: Made a little picture in my journal.

: Can you see the baby turkey 🦃

: Took a different approach to my journal today. I set a timer for 10 minutes and just kept writing. …

: We got a new bench.

: My family made cinnamon rolls. Usually, I’m the baker 👨🏿‍🍳 of the family.

: More pictures of the park during quarantine. It seems remarkable that I was more worried about the …

: A brisk walk.

: Going for a walk.

: If you haven’t noticed already, I’m trying to post a picture every day for 30 days.

: Hello @manton! Would it be easy for you to implement a trim on the accessibility description? I use …

: The only good bug 🐜 is a dead bug!

: Turkey Bur Making turkey burgers 🍔

: So many dishes!

: Getting dressed up to see the dentist 🦷

: More pictures of flowers.

: About to hang up some pictures in the house.

: It’s been a while since I’ve been on top of things like this.

: Color challenge blue

: Went for a walk with my new iPhone SE.

: Color challenge Green

: Color challenge day 3 Yellow Ethernet cord

: Color challenge 🌈 Orange 🛋

: Color challenge 🌈 Red mouse.

: I found an Ant.

: “Ms. Monopoly”

: The older cook books seem to have the better recipes.

: Cake time!

: Got to clean up the back area today.

: Picked up my sleep apnea test machine.

: Quarantine Corndogs!

: Shrinkflation on the cream found in an oreo. I guess I have to get them double stuffed.

: An apple a day keeps anyone away, if you throw it hard enough. -Stephen Colbert #mbmay 💬

: I bought flowers from my favorite flower 🌺 shop.

: This is such a weird year.

: I met someone who said that the coronavirus is just a hoax. I don’t feel that this person is dumb, …

: Not much happening this weekend.

: Making waffles 🧇!

: Watching my kid play roblox.

: Yes, I’m using all three.

: C’mon people! We live here!

: Really feeling down today.

: I thought I would give [Ulysses]( “The Ultimate Writing App for Mac, iPad and …

: I’m thinking about posting the number of tasks that I finish this week.

: Years ago, if you said that the president wanted people to look into using disinfectant as a way to …

: I take a lot of pictures of food.

: Updated to Catalina on the family machine.

: If they die... I came across this little number. Stay safe everyone! Someone needs to be around to write the …

: I wish Game Center had worked out better. Maybe they can bring it back with a new update of “Sign in …

: I’m doing a little more everyday.

: Maybe I’ll catch up with @danielpunkass one day.

: Cleaning up the inbox.

: Just finished a seven day streak of working out. Hoping to continue with positive routines.

: A cool thing about working from home is that it has given me a lot more flexibility with my time. …

: I know there are a lot of people who are going to be reviewing their budgets during this pandemic.

: Ok today, I’m going to focus on doing a couple things. Going through my email and calendar …

: I’m going to fish this book.

: Things like this are part of the reason that I don’t upgrade to Catalina.

: Haven’t finished all of these on the same day in a while.

: Messing with clips.

: I’ve been trying to coin the term “Corona Kids” for all the upcoming births in …

: Went for a little walk.

: The case for postponing macOS 16 A couple of my friends have been saying they needed to slow down …

: This is the third week that I’ve worked from home. I’ve moved my “work area” every week …

: Not a time for playing around.

: I’ve decided to use the automation in drafts to forward things like this text to places like …

: I think that home automation is going have a huge improvement next year.

: Spent almost and hour getting my website to be parsed properly by IndieWebify. My site was always …

: Firefox and Safari are really great browsers.

: Is anyone else other than me running Mojave?

: Buckle Down For The Second Week Initial podcast! Decided not to let imperfection stop me from posting. Just some thoughts on the …

: My fitness app granted me permission to eat an entire battery!

: Still thinking about making that podcast. Perfect is really being the enemy here.

: It's a very different time It’s just the uncertainty of it that has been wondering. It’s a lot different than the …

: Today is the first full day of me working from home due to covid. I think I might start a podcast.

: Stop 🛑 Panicking

: The keyboard shortcuts stopped working on my laptop 👨🏾‍💻 and I started to freak for a minute.

: Just some random picture.

: Let’s get started!

: Can’t find my journal 📔

: Ah man! I didn’t make the 30 day challenge. Oh well, it was still a load of fun.

: Photoblogging Challenge. The prompt for to day is: Vision #mbfeb

: Photoblogging Challenge. The prompt for to day is: Leap #mbfeb Leap in Cholesterol

: I’m noticing a lot of adds for Apple Arcade in the last couple weeks. Listen you already got my …

: Photoblogging Challenge. The prompt for to day is: Below #mbfeb

: Photoblogging Challenge. The prompt for to day is: Double #mbfeb

: Photoblogging Challenge. The prompt for to day is: Escape #mbfeb

: Idea that I had about doing sketch notes for swift.

: I spilled tea all over my backpack 🎒

: Photoblogging Challenge. The prompt for to day is: Hurdle #mbfeb This stack of pancakes is certainly …

: Photoblogging Challenge. The prompt for to day is: Double #mbfeb

: Photoblogging Challenge. The prompt for to day is: Station #mbfeb Ready to blast off!

: A nice flower.

: Photoblogging Challenge. The prompt for to day is: Spectical #mbfeb

: Oh 🦌!

: Photoblogging Challenge. The prompt for to day is: Progress #mbfeb Maybe not every day but moving …

: Photoblogging Challenge. The prompt for to day is: Scale #mbfeb

: Photoblogging Challenge. The prompt for to day is: Space #mbfeb

: Photoblogging Challenge. The prompt for to day is: Oppose #mbfeb

: Photoblogging Challenge. The prompt for to day is: Cool #mbfeb

: Photoblogging Challenge. The prompt for to day is: Rest #mbfeb

: Photoblogging Challenge. The prompt for to day is: Balance #mbfeb An ant crawling on the wall. I …

: Photoblogging Challenge. The prompt for to day is: Warmth #mbfeb Air fryer

: Keep up mulling this blog post about fantastical. Just having trouble putting it into words.

: Photoblogging Challenge. The prompt for to day is: Rise #mbfeb

: Just realized that I can included an accessible description of my images.

: Photoblogging Challenge. The prompt for to day is: Attachment #mbfeb Because it’s an attachment to …

: I think I’ll look for a night time writing prompt for tomorrow night. For tonight, I’m going …

: Photoblogging Challenge. The prompt for to day is: Plain #mbfeb

: I set a timer to do some writing ✍️ today. 20 minutes goes by really fast when you’re having fun.

: Photoblogging Challenge. The prompt for to day is: Sign #mbfeb

: Photoblogging Challenge. The prompt for to day is: Lull #mbfeb

: Photoblogging Challenge. The prompt for to day is: Contrast #mbfeb The contrast of the green and red …

: Update to editorial It’s good to get an update and even better that he’s focusing on his mental …

: Photoblogging Challenge. The prompt for to day is: Above #mbfeb

: Photoblogging Challenge. The prompt for to day is: Plant #mbfeb

: Photoblogging Challenge. The prompt for to day is: Hide #mbfeb

: It’s kind of weird that they are releasing this in March. Maybe they should have targeted WWDC 2020 …

: Photoblogging Challenge. The prompt for to day is: Spot #mbfeb

: Listen people, not everyone needs to run for president to enact change. There are many things you …

: Trying to think of a picture that encompasses the word “spot”.

: Photoblogging Challenge. The prompt for to day is: Reflect #mbfeb

: Photoblogging Challenge. The prompt for to day is: Sight #mbfeb I cheated with this one.

: Photoblogging Challenge. The prompt for to day is: Open #mbfeb

: I re-enabled crossposting from to promote the 30 photo challenge.

: Open

: Just deleted a post because it doesn’t help make the world a better place.

: I won first place at my speech contest!

: Fantastical It feels like fantastical is going to move to a subscription.

: And that just part of what makes smoking 🚬 so disgusting to me.

: When I’m trying to get control of my life, I find myself fighting that feeling of shame for …

: I love the ability to set a hyperkey Make Your CAPS LOCK Key Do Double Duty As a Modifier Key and Caps Lock – 40Tech: Your Caps Lock key …

: Just used certbot to make sure that my site was served over https and I found it super fun and -dare …

: I’ve got three notebooks 📓 that I can use for projects and I left all of them at home. 🤦🏾‍♂️

: Playing around with MindNode 7.

: Interesting article about google.

: Is this enough?

: It’s the little things in life.

: Going on a food budget.

: Dungeons & Dragon

: The year started with great aspirations but now is time for Planning and Actions to make it happen.

: I’ve decided to give Headspace a chance.

: Woke up from a nightmare. Really need to take a second before trying to get back to sleep.

: I feel better after yesterdays little brush with the internet.

: One of the hairs from my mustache was ripped out by the root!

: The morning before work starts.

: I just looked at the archive of my personal blog and it says that I’ve been blogging for 10 years.

: Going for a little walk

: Decided to place ALL of my python projects on hold so I can focus on my swift development.

: One last time!

: Thinking about going all in with the Swift programming language next year.

: Let’s try this again…

: Playing around with a new app idea. MindMap

: Downhill | Uncrate Really looking forward to this movie. I like the Will Ferrell drama films. I saw this trailer with …

: Why am I always questioning what I do with my website and domain?

: Website is back up and Running!

: Email isn’t working today. I’m not in a hurry to fix it.

: I think… … I think I might hate christmas. Little “c”.

: Spending some time programming in swift. It’s kind of frustrating when swiftui gives me an error I …

: Spent most of the day being productive AND watching “The Mandalorian”.

: Just saw the latest Star Wars and I enjoyed it a great deal!

: Trying Evernote again.

: One of my coworkers bought an iPhone after having used android for years. I found myself saying …

: Playing with a mechanical keyboard.

: I want to write more, but I don’t know what to write about. Plus I don’t want to write …

: I really need to wake up fully before I post something online.

: Fighting the desire for a nap.

: Spending a little time thinking.

: Friday the 13th!

: Someone tore off the back of my chair.

: “I’ll just tweek this part… should only take me 5 minutes”…

: I’ve been feeling the itch all week to write some more code. So addictive.

: Went to bed early last night and woke up sick.

: Today was a pretty good day. I’m looking forward to what happens tomorrow.

: Switching my domain from enom to hover. Worst case scenario is that I don’t have email for a couple …

: Steak for lunch.

: Wonder Woman 1984 | Official Trailer - YouTube Really looking forward to the new Wonder Woman movie coming out. Wonder Woman 1984 | Official …

: Woke up but feeling very loooow on patience today. I’m going to do some breathing exercises and see …

: Thanksgiving again!

: A simple movie test. Created a small movie to see how much effort it would take if I wanted to challenge myself with …

: Slow day today. Sometimes we need these in order to clear our mind.

: I’m very happy that it’s Friday. The weekend has a lot of opportunity… Probably going to …

: Fall in California. Pop

: This isn’t cool.

: Gave a donation today. It felt good and I encourage others to do the same.

: Finally got those Nachos I’ve been friending for.

: If will power is a muscle, I’ve been really using it today.

: I’ve decided to give reeder a try to stay on top of the news.

: Microblogging all month for December!

: Going the distance!

: I’m happy right now. I’m not able to get everything done but I’m still happy with the process.

: Microblogvember prompt: Second I find myself reading a lot of comics and having thoughts about …

: Working out early in the morning. The energy drink I had this afternoon is keeping me up. Still …

: Pretty good day today.

: I’m going to challenge myself to post something new everyday for the rest of the year. #goals

: I never knew this could happen!

: I’ve been having some problems focusing recently. I spent a lot of time sleeping today and …

: Met my goal for exercise.

: Taking a moment before work.

: I just lost myself reading code... It was all python based and focused on scratching my own itch.

: Just a small brisk walk

: Moved my blog to today.

: Spending time at the zoo.

: I can’t be the only one who still prickles at the thought that save as isn’t directly under file.

: Don’t park that chicken here!

: 100 Days of SwiftUI – Hacking with Swift 100 Days of SwiftUI – Hacking with Swift: Welcome to the 100 Days of SwiftUI! This is a free …

: I’m thinking about doing the California International Marathon as part of a relay team. I think I …

: So, I connected MarsEdit to my account tonight. It’s a nice little editor.

: Making turkey burgers!

: Trying to read without my glasses. Pointless!

: The family computer won’t boot up. Not a great moment in computing.

: Waiting for Windows to restart… 💀

: I don’t know what to say about this.

: Woke up to reAd about another shooting. Instantly tired of having to think about “another”.

: I left my lunch at home. 🤦🏾‍♂️

: I got the writing bug today but I don’t know where to go first.

: My favorite place to take a picture

: First day of diet… So hungry…

: I’m on the iOS 13 beta!

: I hope that I get some sleep tonight. I’ve been really exhasted the last couple of days. Maybe …

: Going over bills with the wife. Listen people, if you don’t budget it, you are only hurting …

: It’s a little weird. Normally, the videos for WWDC are posted that day. I really want to see …

: Skewers for dinner!

: Turkey burgers!

: Just looking at the sky before work.

: Spending some time grilling.

: Just found out that the Day One app has a way to create little drawings that you can put in your …

: Making dinner

: Sometimes I forget how good I am at technology.

: I’m running on a 13" Mid 2009 MacBook Pro. I still love it, I don’t have the latest …

: Just finished reading about “Why” Charles Manson and his “family “ did what they did. It’s sad that …

: Spending some time just looking at the screen…

: Moving all my blog posts from Dropbox to git this weekend. Haven’t decided on GitHub or bit bucket.

: I’ve given up comics for lint. I don’t know what to do with myself right now.

: I wish I was doing more writing.

: Time for D&D!

: I haven’t touched my inbow in days and I’m really starting to feel it. I got to get back …

: Really hard to restart a habit where I’m constantly thinking about how good I imagined I was. …

: For years, I’ve been using Apple Pages to work on my resume. Today, I think I’m going to …

: Having a healthy lunch.

: I wrote this last year and haven’t done anything to make it happen.

: Yesterday was filled will a lot of anger. I was angry that no one was listening to me at work. I was …

: I know a lot of people are excited that there is a new Spiderman trailer, but I’d be happier …

: Slightly better day today.

: It wasn’t the best day, but I’m praying that this is the worst day I experience this year.

: Well, today is starting off with a lot of friction.

: Didn’t know the bathroom was this clean…

: Happy Almost End if the First Week of the New Year!

: Every time I consider switching… This time it couldn’t finish with the smiley face.

: A picture of someone happy to be here!

: I turned off cross posting to twitter because it meant that I had to places to check for replies. …

: Thinking about taking a picture every day. This is just a simple one to get me started.

: Sitting at my desk and just enjoying a quiet contemplative moment.

: Got my domain renewed for another year and verified on

: Thinking about going all in with and even doing a podcast next year.

: This is what I meant. 15 items to review. It means I’m not going through my list properly.

: I got to get this under control.

: I still like the idea of micro blogging. It feels good to just sit down and write without having to …

: I’ve got a smart folder set up that just looks at how many pieces of email I get in a day. …

: Just working on some python

: Can’t wait to get home and watch the good place!

: Soup is good.

: Going to give have an advent calendar of compliments for everyone. Let me know if you’d like a …

: Today is almost over! So much has changed and I haven’t spent any money!

: Happy Pre-Black Friday

: So happy to have tomorrow off.

: I wasted a lot of time this morning. I’ve got to change my thinking and write down my morning …

: Today was a good day!

: Lunch!

: When I was younger, I wanted to be a writer but let the world tell me no. Now I feel a pain every …

: Home office setup.

: For the first time in my life, I’m eating salad with out dressing.

: Smoke on the brain. Not getting much done.

: The waiting game is the worst game ever.

: Breakfast of champions

: Weird day of getting weird things done.

: A good sandwich!

: Starting another week. 🌝

: Happy Monday world.

: Wow, the iPad Pro looks pretty good. Don’t know if I can justify it.

: Trying to eat healthy snacks makes me not eat as many. So, I guess that works.

: Just finished Robocop. It took me two weeks because I could only watch it when people weren’t …

: Might be getting a new iPad… for someone else.

: Sitting in the home office.

: Let’s try this whole “day” thing again.

: Very long day. Still have a lot on my mind. No definitive answers yet.

: Looking at the Office 2019 suite and it seems nice.

: I’m going to start a 30 day challenge for making some everyday.

: I got invited to use OmniFocus on the web!

: Spent some times going through my Apple notes. It felt good to see some old favorites.

: I signed papers today. Hacktoberfest 2018: How you can get your free shirt — even if you’re new to …

: Just went through a ton of email. I get a lot of junk.

: Ask for help can be hard sometimes.

: Good morning sunshine!

: Went through OmniFocus today and nothing needed to be reviewed.

: Playing Dungeons and Dragons

: So, I reset my iPhone and now I’m only going to load the applications as I need them.

: Blue berry sausage #abomination

: In the office early. The sun hasn’t risen.

: Monday is just hours away!

: I’m celebrating my moment of inner peace by checking out social media.

: It was a pretty sunset.

: Just winding down for the night.

: My feet smell really badly. I think I should see a doctor.

: Website is still in funky state but I’m not at home to fix it. I know my fans are disappointed.

: So, I moved my site back to github for hosting. It’s going to take a couple minutes for …

: My website has been down for days… I don’t think anyone noticed.

: Sunday, a day of rest… Supposedly…

: My family likes making ciphers for fun.

: Really enjoying the latest update to GamePigeon. Message me if you want to connect.

: No such thing as too many Star Wars toys on the desk.

: I feel good for the first time in weeks.

: I love “The good place”. The problem is that I watch it on Hulu and it isn’t available until the …

: I think today was pretty decent.

: I’ve got a headache and past due deadlines. One feeds into the other!

: First Evernote starts having their 40% sale and then I see this deal for 25% on Dropbox. Should I be …

: My little workout from yesterday.

: I’ve been doing some exercise. A little here and a little there. It makes a difference.

: The view out of my window is inviting.

: All my deadlines are due on Friday and I don’t feel I’m going to meet them.

: Korean fried chicken was delicious! 😋

: Just relaxing

: I strive to make my code legiable to the future me. It’s a great investment.

: Started a new meditation 🧘🏾‍♂️ practice yesterday. If I remember to do it today, it’ll be two days.

: Went for a walk and… there was sooo much sweat 😓

: Friday is here to kick off the celebration that Monday is only 3 days away!

: Calling in sick today. Just need a moment to think.

: Just trying to take care of myself.

: I was thinking I was having a bad day, but a coworker convinced me to look for what brings me …

: Is there some kind of update coming out this week?

: Not a great day for me today. Where did all the time go?

: Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest… and I sit here about to do paperwork.

: Long day today… Just thinking about how to make the most of the evening.

: Drafts continues to be one of the most powerful apps that I’m not using.

: These fake flowers bring real joy.

: Working at Apple is just what Jony Ive is doing until his voice acting career starts to take off.

: Hanging out with a good friend to watch the Keynote. It’s the small things in life.

: Still working out kinks to get my blog to feed directly into Here is my latest post

: The most exciting thing about the new iPhone X announcement is that I’ll be able to buy the 7 and 6s …

: Taking a walk

: Just watching the kids have a good time.

: Re-enabled my account today. Just want to see how it feels to reconnect with the …

: Going for a quick walk

: Spending time at a new restaurant. It’s nice to experience something different.

: Still not a fan of Apple’s decision to take a bunch of functionality out of iTunes and leave us with …

: Work has been kinda weird these last couple of days. Trying to find a little bit of peace in a crazy …

: I never understood why people post pictures of there lunch. Maybe to remind themselves of what they …

: Sitting at the cafeteria at work. Just wondering if I’ll be doing what I’m doing 5 Years from now.

: I found out that one of my coworkers liked West world as well. I’m excited to have someone to talk …

: Pretty good lunch from home

: Just a simple

: I’ve got 44 minutes before I have to head home. I’m planning on using this time to …

: I made a cake last night. Not happy with the frosting but I thin the rest of it should be fine.

: I don’t have any where else to post my clips but Twitter! I’ve got to come up with a …

: We’ve been together for a long time.

: Just enjoying a salad while hanging out with my family.

: I don’t know where I want to go with social media.

: Well, starting another day and it looks like allergies are already fighting against me.

: Really enjoying Streaks.

: I don’t know what this is, but it makes me calm.

: Another picture of a desert island

: Just made a quick sketch for no other reason but to relax and smile

: The view from a window next to my cubicle.

: Woke up early to get to work today. It’s nice to have a sense of accomplishment this early in …

: I don’t have much to say at this point

: Ok, I’m going to have fun with this.