This is the first Monday of Mental Health Awareness month! A lot of my coworkers HATE Monday. For them it’s the hardest part of the week. Some days, I feel the same way.
I try to be grateful as Mondays usually mean that I’m starting the work week and that will lead to a paycheck that will provide for my family and I. But sometimes, I need a little bit extra.
I thought I would do a search and put what I found on these sites that don’t blast you will Cookie popups as soon as you load the page.
- 10 Mindful Monday Ideas To Improve Your Life
- I don’t do number 10 - Posting to Instagram. I tend to do that kind of posting to a chat thread I have with friends or on my blog.
- 8 Tiny Things I’ve Tried to Make Mondays More Pleasant
- The last one is important. It’s ok to feel less than fantastic all the time. As humans, we have our highs and lows.
- 10 Ways to Make Your Monday Better
- My favorite on this list is
Prep on Friday
. I’ve been attempting to start a new habit where I do an end of day wrap-up. Still working on that.