
A List Of Text-Only & Minimalist News Sites - GreyCoder

There is a _lot_ of content out there. Some of it's news, some of it is propaganda. I hope that this helps you get to whatever you want to read faster.

Text-only websites are quite useful, especially today, because web pages are increasingly filled with ads, videos, and bandwidth-heavy content.

Found via Neblib


A Tour Of My New Self-Hosted Code Setup | Leon Mika

I really enjoy how Leon steps us through the journey of setting up self-hosting as well as giving us his reasons on why he's doing it.

Avatar picture of Leon Well, if I was going to do this at all, it was time to do it for real. I decided to set up my own code hosting properly this time, complete with CI/CD runners, all hosted under my own domain name.

Leon even includes some price breakdowns, design diagrams and links to get some more information.

Don’t have time to read the post? He also has it narrated in his wonderful Australian accent.

I really recommend that you follow his RSS feed!

Categories: - Web Excursions for April 22, 2024

Brett holding a map

I enjoy and appreciate Brett Terpstra and what he's brought to the internet. I was going over my posts and I don't seem to have ever linked to one of his posts about what he finds on the internet.

Web Excursions are select bookmarks from my travels around the interwebs, because I'm always thinking about you while discovering other people's cool stuff. You mean that much to me. You can see all of my (public) bookmarks on Pinboard, and visit the bookmarks archive for curated lists across the last few years.


How we’re approaching theming with modern CSS - Piccalilli

We've started a new project which requires heavy, creative theming, so I made a prototype to test some ideas out.

I really like this article as it breaks down the reasoning of why they are doing what they are doing. It has some examples that you can follow along with and leaves me thinking about how I can take this knowledge into my own development.

Discovered via Andy Bell


Why I Care Deeply About Web Accessibility And You Should Too - DEV Community

This article by Schalk Neethling talks about the access portion of accessibility. It's something that I think about for the base portion of my theme and I hope that you'll read it and spread the message.


Technical Writing Chat with Ally Sassman | James' Coffee Blog

This is the first interview in Technical Writing Chats, a series where I speak with technical writers about their day-to-day role and how they got started in their career. Today's interview is with Ally Sassman, a Senior Technical Writer at New Relic. I sincerely hope you enjoy!

This is the first post in James' series.

I'm hoping to pick up a couple tips throughout the series to improve the writing that I do on my blog.


Conundra, indeed: Using curly braces in English | James' Coffee Blog

This got me thinking: how are curly braces used in English today? Many English keyboards, such as the Macbook Air keyboard on which I am typing this blog post, have curly braces as a character you can type with the shift key pressed. If curly braces are on our keyboards, they would have to either have some use in language, or sufficient use as a punctuation in computational contexts?

I can't recall ever seeing these outside of the context of programming.

Categories: sees an issue

I keep getting older, and the text size on Daring Fireball keeps staying the same.

I feel this soo much. It's part of the reason that I make the default font as big as it is. I understand that a user might have a default style sheet or setting. I feel that designing for a larger initial font, makes this particular theme more flexible.


Serving my blog posts as Linux manual pages | James' Coffee Blog

Earlier this week, with a spark for building but no particular idea in mind, I started to think about the Linux manual page. Could I serve my blog posts as Linux manual pages? Herein lay an adventure.

WHOA! This completely blew my mind!


Tailwind vs Semantic CSS

This study compares two websites with identical design: the commercial Spotlight template from developers of Tailwind vs the same site with semantic CSS

I found this via Robb Knight's mastodon/website and laughed to myself when I read No Comment.

I've been using tools that help developer things faster for years. It feels like all the time we save accrues interest and we have to payback in other costs.
