- What do you remember being a big deal to adults during your childhood or teenaged years?
The first thing that comes to mind is the OJ Simpson trail. I didn’t know who he was at the time. All I knew was that he was driving on a white truck down the freeway with the police following him.
I feel that it’s partially because of the verdict that came after the Rodney King beating that some people feel that this was win
for us
But I don’t know who us
was in this discussion.
I feel that the discussions about the case have made me a better person as I was learned about different topics related to it. For example, marriage equality and what things do we bring and take away from a relationship; how someone can be found guilty or innocent and continue to have legal issues related to the matter; what is legal and what is justice.
There have been many jokes related to this trial and I’m sure that there are a lot of different takes on it and sadly many similar cases that don’t have the same media coverage.
So, it’s still a big deal to this day.