You might be wondering “where is the review of episodes 2 through 4?”
Well, I accidentally binged them and I found myself in episode 5 thinking about how I hadn’t written anything about the show.
Well, if you’ve been watching the show for a while and wanted a chance for it to get back to simple
plot, than this is the one for you.
You’re got a main plot line filled with gore just like in previous seasons, but with people that you normally don’t see getting their hands dirty or facing danger. I actually liked this part the best.
There’s the B plot with Homelander and Ryan bonding over helping people
. For me, I’m reminded of all the criminals that heroes fight in different comic books. We have a tendency to think of them as less then. It’s ok to hurt someone because they are a bad guy
At what point, does the punishment go to far?
Is it ok to get enjoyment out of pursuing justice?
I’d love to see how far the show goes with this thread.