Hemispheric Views had another great episode of their podcast. This one was about the perfect album. Defining perfect as an album that you can listen to without skipping tracks and just enjoying. Since the initial release of the podcast, people have been blogging about what they feel is good.

I’ve thought about a couple albums but one that comes to mind right now is Louden Up Now by !!!. I bought this album while I was in college on a whim and I find myself putting it on when I’m feeling particular angsty or frustrated.
It is ** extremely explicit ** and puts my frustration into words with a beat. But, after the album is over, the anger is disrupted and I feel like I can move on.
Of course, sometimes I just feel like listening to Pardon My Freedom on repeat and letting the world just float on by.
But I feel that it’s the other tracks that jostle me out of that feeling as it becomes a little absurd with the lyrics and the beats are just erratic enough to shake me out of a funk.
It took me a while to find other information about this group online because I thought they only had one album and the fact that looking up !!!
didn’t work in the search engines that I was using because of the wildcard nature of their names.
I highly encourage you to check out the listing of Perfect Albums that Robb Knight put together.