Lou has put together a nice list of writing prompts on his website. It seems like a perfect time as I was looking for something to write about.
A road trip you’ve taken that was memorable
I remember the first trip that I took with my children to Disneyland. My wife and I drove through the night in a rental car with two sleeping kids in the back. Both of us taking turns driving and trying to find our way through the darkness of a long drive.
I don’t remember all the stops but I remember getting to our hotel early the next morning to find out that the room that we had reserved had been given to someone else so we had to move to a room that a smoker had used the day before or try to find another hotel.
A lot of bumps before we even got to the park.
But it was worth it to see the girls having such a great time.
I have pictures, but not enough and the memory fades day by day.