What is the most scared you have ever been? Can you write about it? (Don’t dig up trauma for a blog post)
One event that comes to mind that isn’t very traumatic is a moment when I was first dating my girlfriend (now wife). We were celebrating our one year anniversary of dating and had gone to the Santa Cruz boardwalk. I thought it was going to be a nice trip with us relaxing by the beach and playing the midway games.
I hadn’t thought about rides that are offered on the boardwalk. In fact, we had arrived early and none of the rides were operating at that time and all you could hear was the calming waves of the ocean.
That’s when it happened.
My wife suggested a rollercoaster.
I hadn’t told my wife that I actually was afraid of rides. Maybe some part of me thought that it would never come up or that everyone feels the same way.
I though the best way to get out of this was to go on another ride. A ride that had a shorter line and was right next to the rollercoaster.
How bad can it be?
The ride was called The Fireball.
I thought it just rocked back and forth and did a little spin here and there.
I was wrong.
I flipped 180 degrees. I was upside down and I hated it.
I screamed quite a bit and it became one of the key moments of our relationship as I was VERY honest with her about things that made me uncomfortable. I would try them and keep and open mind.