50 Ideas for Blog Posts by Lou Plummer #15

  1. Are you an early or late adopter of technology? What makes you that way?

I'm currently a late adopter.

I still get excited by some technology, but I don’t have the enthusiasm I used to have for adopting new things.

I used to think I had all the time in the world to pursue learning and making new things. The glamour of newness was enough to justify the hours of frustration as I tried to make things better or fix what gets broken with point releases or bad patches.

Unfortunately, it comes with an opportunity cost. The time that I spent getting the latest and questionably greatest to work decently hasn’t always paid off. The unknown amount of hours is something I think about. I try not to wonder too much on the what if of it but it does cross my mind.

In addition, I can’t justify the cost of pursuing new technologies these days. We’re no longer in the time where you would see marked improvements on something that justifies regular upgrades.
