I got a new keyboard yesterday. I hope my wife doesn’t tire of the new click-clack sound that I’m making in our shared workspace.
I used to call it fast-food, now I just call it franchise food.
I told my family what the word of the day was and we had a session about how the minister as going to minister the mister who was a minister.
I’m on vacation and I’m certain to go over my calorie target.
Wow… I don’t think we’re going to have a consensus on anything with the upcoming US midterm elections.
Today, I meditated in the hopes that it would give me the one beautiful ray of insight that would make everything perfect.
Results unclear.
Sometimes, I wonder if I am in an echo chamber when it comes to my thoughts and ideas. I’m willing to rethink things, but it seems like the alternatives are so departed from reality.
When I was younger, I thought the rules applied to everyone. Now, I feel that if you’re rich enough, you are exempt.
As I’ve gotten older, I feel that a number of the people I viewed with admiration has changed. The only consistent people have been family and friends… mostly.
I always wondered if I could use the phrase poetic license in a sentence and not sound pretentious.
One of the great things about working from home is that you can feast on anything that’s in the kitchen at any time.
I recently bought this really cool action figure from the local game stop near my house.

I don’t have a lot of feelings about Lando Calrissian as a character, but I thought it was strange that I was able to pick him up for about $3.