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You spend a good hour working on a post just to see all the formatting looking like garbage.


50 Ideas for Blog Posts by Lou Plummer #22

  1. Have you been to a memorable concert? What made it stand out to you?

My first memorable concert was the [Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Coming Out of Their Shells Tour](

At the time, my school had a reading program where you could get a personal pizza if you read a certain amount of books. As a kid, these were my two favorite things pizza and reading! I don’t remember all the details, but I do remember that PizzaHut had tie in with the Ninja Turtle tour and that you could buy the sound track with the purchase of pizza.

I remember listening to the soundtrack on cassette a lot when I was a kid. I think this is the first time where I would listen to an album and want to skip to the next song. I don’t think I was allowed to do that at that age would have occurred sit through it.

I only remember one song from the cassette called “Tub-in” that I really liked but don’t really remember from the concert. In fact, I don’t remember a lot from the concert except that it was pretty loud and kind of slow in some places. I do remember the Shredder singing a song about hating music. That always stuck with me and I remember sharing a dorm room with someone who said he didn’t like music.

We weren’t roommates the next year.

Concert poster for TMNT Coming out of their shells tour.Coming Out Of Their Shells was a studio album, and subsequent live musical tour that occurred from 1990 to 1991 (in 1992, it toured overseas). The tour was endorsed and sponsored by Pizza Hut. The very first showing of the tour was broadcast live on Pay-Per-View. A VHS recording of the broadcast was made released, as well as a "Making Of" direct to home video. The tour is generally lambasted for its terrible costumes and wafer-thin plot. The band featured Donatello on keys, Leonardo on bass guitar, Michelangelo on guitar/lead vocals & Raphael on drums/percussion/tenor saxophone/vocals. Guest vocalists include Master Splinter, April O'Neil, and The Shredder.

I promised myself that I would post something every day this month , but I’m having trouble just stringing some thoughts together.

I was seriously playing with the idea of creating a plugin that contained all the different shortcodes that are used in the themes. I didn’t because I don’t have the time.

How to Monetize a Blog

This was making the rounds a couple of weeks ago and I wanted to link to it, but it was sitting in the backlog as I was trying to make something else perfect.

I don’t remember what I was waiting for, but I’m hoping that you enjoy it.

So let's talk about monetizing a blog, starting with the most obvious and perhaps easiest avenue: display advertising.

Be sure to tap/click on the image for a good time.

Hello next distraction project! I was just going to get my life together.

Another reason that I don’t like QR codes.

Public Warning.

If you EVER, and I do mean EVER see a QR code for anything... not just some things, ANYTHING.

Treat it as a scam, do not scan it, they can easily be covered up with malicious redirects to fake sites to steal your financial details. Direct you to malware sites to try and infect your device.

Treat them all the same... as toxic, potential harmful to your identity and security.

Never trust them... EVER!!!

If you 100% must use one, do what you should be doing at any (ATM) cash machine, check for devices that have been installed by crooks. See if you can peel the code off, not just at the area around the code, but the whole sign... look for anything unusual and if you have any doubts... even if it's 1% doubt... DON'T USE IT

This isn't scaremongering, scammers and thieves are out there every day, placing fake QR codes on signs all over the place. No where is safe from them. The way to win is not to play. Don;t buy into the enshitification of everything, don;t be told that you can ONLY do it one specific way (legally they have to offer more than one way to pay for a service).

Please boost and spread the word.

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Well, I’m glad I didn’t invest all that time into Omnivore. Now there are just too many questions about what is going to happen with the service.

Not a care in the world.

A dog is curled up and sleeping peacefully on a couch.

I’m looking forward to people complaining about daylight savings time just so I can get a break from election coverage.