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What’s Happening?

Good morning, good evening, good afternoon.

This is the second episode of this podcast that I’m restarting.

And the first one had a lot of response, I actually got two people who responded and said, Hey, I like what you’re doing with the podcast and that makes me happy, even if it’s not even, but just having the fact that, or knowing the fact that people are out there listening to me made me feel kind of, you know, not that I was alone, but that I wasn’t just by myself.

So thank you very much for everyone who commented and those who didn’t comment, but you know, we’re listening to the podcast anyway.

Thank you.

I really do appreciate that.

So in the time that I created the first episode and the second episode, things have changed.

A lot of things have changed.

First and foremost, I had a wonderful heart-to-heart with my wife and I realized that I needed to make a change, a break in how I was living and doing certain things.

So I had already stopped going to Reddit and in fact, I deleted the Apollo app and I edited my X host file so that I couldn’t get to Reddit from my computer and going on Reddit using my phone is just, it is not a good experience, especially when I compare it with using Apollo.

And so I said, all right, well, I’m done with this.

I also went through my host file and added a couple sites for different webs, for different comics that I was reading.

These are mostly comics that are, you know, manga or manhwa, which are the Japanese version of manga.

And I just made it so that I can’t go to those sites.

And I also made a couple changes to, I use Keyboard Maestro and this application called Quitter.

So Keyboard Maestro has a macro that I set up for a specific browser.

What I had done is I had already segmented my mind in such a way that when I use a certain browser, that is the browser that I use for X, Y, or Z.

In this case, it was reading comics.

I have a separate browser that I use for web development and one that I use for just general browsing.

I use Firefox for general browsing and I use the Firefox development site, or not development site, but development edition and Safari to do my web development.

Every once in a while, I will load up Edge and Chrome just to make sure that I am not in a bubble and that these things work in those environments as well.

But for the most part, that’s how my mind works.

I say, all right, this browser is for this.

And when I see the Chrome, no pun intended, of that particular browser, it gives me kind of a context of where I’m supposed to be.

So I said, all right, not doing that for a while just to separate myself a little bit.

And I also told myself that I wasn’t going to use Discord, which for the longest time was a great sense of fun and community to me, but I feel that at least for the next 30 days or so, I need to really focus on just me.

And that includes removing some more of these distractions.

And I will definitely come back to those communities later, but right now I need to at least do a little bit of a detox and get a little bit of more time for me to do what I think I need to do.

Now, that being said, what caused all this?

Well, you know, I was feeling kind of stuck, you know, I had gotten into this position where I felt I was doing a lot of shooting and the word should is like, oh, you should do this or I should do this.

In my case, I was saying I should be somewhere else in my life and in my world.

So I was basically shooting on myself.

And that is something that is never going to lead you to a spot where you could be in a good place mentally.

I mean, sometimes you could, but for the most part, I have not seen someone say, oh, you know, I should be doing this or I should be doing that if you don’t have any actions associated with that.

And that in this point, I didn’t have a lot.

I was saying, oh, I should be here in my career.

I should own this and I should do this, but I didn’t have a plan or action.

And so all I was doing was just pretty much setting myself up for failure.

So where do I do?

Well, I have to remove a little bit of distractions.

I reached out to those around me and I’m actually going to be talking to a therapist.

My first appointment is on the 17th.

So it’s a therapist that we’re going to talk to on the phone.

And she sounds nice.

And I hope that I can really start working out some of my issues and just talking to someone on a professional level.

I have friends around me, but sometimes it can be difficult, I’m pretty sure you know, to open up to certain things.

And sometimes you just need that objective opinion.

And that’s what I’m going to go for.

I’m also going to be doing a little bit more writing and reflection on my daily day-to-day day day.

So you know, cool down periods of saying, all right, well, how do I want to start my day?

How do I want to do things?

During the last micro camp, Anna Havron had this wonderful handout that she gave, and I’m going to be filling that out.

And it’s actually got me thinking about what are my roles, what are my desires, what am I wanting to do in my life?

So I’ll be doing that.

And then that’s where I’m going.

So in addition, I’m also trying to track where my attention goes.

So I have a timer set up saying, hey, I spent this much time doing this and this much time doing that using Timery and just going over that.

And then I feel I probably should schedule a review of my time and how I use Timery.

It comes up as an email, but it’s probably better if I have an actual time that I’m going to go and do a reflection on what my time went.

I’m also looking into tracking where my money goes.

Currently, I do a lot with…

Actually, I don’t do anything.

I have become very, very dependent on my wife to handle certain things like bills and the rest.

So what I will be doing is I’ll be stepping up in that area, and I’m going to be using the application MoneyWiz to just track where my money is going and come up with a better budget so that I can breathe a little more happier and be more aware and intentional on where the money is going.

Because I am a father of two children, and the money goes really fast.

But if you don’t know where it’s going, then yeah, it’s definitely going to go fast.

But that’s not to say that there isn’t some fun on the docket.

I know I mentioned that I wasn’t going to talk about what individual media that I’m checking out.

And yeah, I kind of want to be a hypocrite about it because there are some good things available.

So since I can’t do my comics, I will be pretty much doing more and more movies and TV shows and getting back into reading.

So there’s a couple shows I’m going to be watching, but I’m not going to be talking about them here just yet.

But I’ll probably put it on my blog instead of my podcast.

So that being said, we’re already at 10 minutes, and thank you very much for your time.

I hope to hear from you guys and take care of yourselves.

It’s a crazy world out there, and I want you to be safe.

