Manny Monday Oct 21st, 2024

Hello, and a good morning, good afternoon, and good evening.

That’s the greeting my dad has for his voicemail.

Anyway, I was on Microtop blog today and someone said, hey, what happened to Micro Monday?

I was like, you know what, we can all just do Micro Monday.

So what I’m going to do is I’m going to set out to pretty much publish something, some kind of podcast every Monday, just a little something, something for anyone.

It’s not going to be polished and I don’t know how many Mondays I’m actually going to do, but I figured it’s something.

There’s a lot going on in the world and sometimes people just want something positive.

So if you want to be on this podcast, please let me know.

We’ll try to keep it under 15, 20 minutes, nothing big, just bring up a couple of things that are why you might podcast or why you are working on a blog or anything like that.

Of course, I’m just getting started with this and not just getting started.

I’m a novice to this because I only publish for myself and sometimes, well, most times I don’t even listen to what I make.

But I feel that it’s a wonderful opportunity just to work on my communication skills and just to get to know other people.

Today, I’d like to talk just a little bit about how important it is to have your own little space on the Internet.

I feel that for a lot of people, there’s this barrier to entry where you’re like, OK, I’ve got work, I got my life where I might have family, friends, pets, whatever, and they all demand attention.

And just trying to find some time to just put something on the Internet is, it can be kind of daunting, especially what your motivations are.

Are you trying to just communicate and connect to other people or are you trying to work on your writing or communication skills?

It can be a lot.

I know for me, I got on the Internet because I wanted to connect to other people and I also wanted to just do more communication.

And I’ve been enjoying it for the most part and I’ve been very, very lucky not to have the tons and tons of just, I don’t know if you want to call it evil or just the backlash that some people see on the Internet where they’re dealing with trolls on a regular basis, knock on wood.

I haven’t had that and I’m very fortunate for it and very grateful.

But if you’re out there and you want to chit chat with me for 10 to 15, 20 minutes, we can do that.

And I’ll be here and I hope that this message finds you well.

Thank you.