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Manny Monday Nov 4th, 2024

Good morning, good evening, good afternoon.

Today is November 4th, 2024 and it is the day before the election here in the United States of America and I’m all a jumble with just pure feelings about everything.

So it’s a, as somebody would say, it’s a good day to be alive, or as they say, may you live in interesting times, and I’m looking forward to things being a little boring in the future.

This is the third time that I’ve recorded for this little Manny Monday thing that I’m doing and I’ve really enjoyed it and trying to make this a habit.

I think the next step is just trying to focus on having a set list of things I want to talk about, not like an agenda, actually an agenda of things I want to talk about for this.

So what’s going on right now with me is that right now there’s the election that’s weighing very heavily on my mind of like who’s going to win and what the outcome is.

Not only are we dealing with presidential, people running for president, but there’s other offices available and I feel that in all the chaos and excitement and just things that are going on, people forget about the local ballot measures and offices that are to be filled this year.

So for me it was kind of easy to know who I was going to vote for.

I knew months, if not years beforehand, of who I would vote for, or in this case, who I would not vote for.

So that part is easy and the hard part is seeing how people in the same society can think differently about different things.

You never really know yourself until you start having these conversations.

I feel that sometimes my writing and when I have discussions, I learn new things about myself.

Things that I never think about until they are called into question.

So I kind of enjoy that part, but I hate having to get into a situation where I’m talking to someone and they feel completely different about X, Y, or Z.

And we can still be friends and we can still be cordial and the whole nine yards, but it’s definitely feels different talking to someone who has a different opinion about something.

And you’re wondering like, okay, so am I wrong?

Are they wrong?

And it’s not so much about right or wrong, it’s more about the perspective and what kind of information you have.

And so it’s been, it’s been, it’s one of those things that is going to happen throughout the rest of my life.

And I feel that that’s okay because when you come into a discussion with someone who is thinking something differently, you just got to work with that.

Now on to other things, I am getting into, or I finished a couple things in media.

I finished a book called Long Live Evil, which is a really good fantasy novel about a lady wakes up after being sick in a fantasy world based off of a book that her and her sister enjoyed.

And it was really, really, really addictive and it was like 16 hours worth of contents.

I got it from my local library, an audio book can be checked out using Libby.

And I love it.

I really recommend it.

I looked into other books that the author wrote, but none really come, seem as interesting.

I wrote a brief little review saying, Hey, if the book was so good, I’m actually kind of worried that they might have a second one that isn’t as good.

So what else is going on?

I’m also watching the show called Penguin, which is on max and it’s, it’s pretty good.

And it’s, one thing about it is that people keep on comparing it to the Sopranos, which isn’t good for me because I’ve never seen the Sopranos.

So I’ll write about that later.

Anyway, I hope you’re doing well and until next time, bye bye.

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