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Swift Slowly: Day 19 - Hacking Swift 2

The introduction of complex data types: Arrays, Sets, and Tuples. I normally get sets and tuples mixed up hopefully not after today. I spent some time going through my older run throughs of the material.

In a previous attempt to make it through the 100 days, I had created an Xcode playground with pages for the different days.

Hacking with Swift playground

I’ll brush this bad boy off and use it to take notes. One of the gripes that I have that waiting for results feels kind of nerve wracking as I’m looking at the little spinner in the corner of the status bar.

I liked using playgrounds sometimes to see if certain lines are valid.

Using raw values with associated types

Apparently, you can’t use raw values with associated types in enums.

This one took a while, but I think this time was just a little more fun to do.
