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Swift Slowly: Day 22 - Hacking Swift 5

Today, I decided that I’d use CodeRunner to look at the examples found in the tutorials. It’s part of SetApp.

CodeRunner running a code.

It’s simple and I can just run the code that I want without the overhead. Plus it catches errors that are in code, which helps when I’m going through tests and logic.

Error within application

At this point, you can really, really tell that the lessons are building on top of each other and you can’t rush through them.

Getting a problem wrong

I don’t like making mistakes. When I do, it drives the lesson home and keeps me awake and cautious of what I’m doing.

Error message when you make a mistake

As an added bonus, I’m learning that mistakes shouldn’t effect my ego so much.

Also, I can definitely get along with someone who writes this kind of code.

enum PizzaErrors: Error {
	case hasPineapple