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Years ago, I dedicated myself to a theme inspired by Mike Hurley and Gray’s yearly theme methodology. I told the people around me and even put my money where my mouth was by purchasing the associated notebook.

I didn’t use the notebook.

But, I kept it with me, and it acted as a reminder that I was going to follow that theme.

It was a good year.

I want to go back to feeling that way again.

So, I’m declaring it here that I’ll be going back to my theme and making it my way of life going forward.

That theme is Intention.

I intend to live the rest of my life with more purpose in what I do. It doesn’t need to be planned to the minute, but I want to be able to say that the things that I’m doing are by and large because I intend to do it.

I know that life is unpredictable, but I have seen it time and time again that unless I’m present in that moment, the decisions in my life will be made for me.

I don’t know how much time I have left, but I’m intending to be there in the moments that I have left.

50 Ideas for Blog Posts by Lou Plummer #29

29. Can you make a list of 20 moments in your current or past life that you would classify as sublime?

I would say moments with my wife and children have been sublime. It's very rare that I feel that kind contentment with life.

50 Ideas for Blog Posts by Lou Plummer #28

I want to be get back into my writing.

28. Do you have an /Interests page on your blog? What is on it or what would you put on one if you made it?

No, I do not have anything other than an /about page on my blog. I sometimes have trouble writing about myself and leave something like this as a project for future me to do one day.

If I was to make one, it would have comics, music, and movies listed. The second draft would have my favorite musical performers (Michael Jackson, Jameroquai, Daft Punk). The third draft would include things about web development and accessibility. Followed by a fourth, where I’d write about writing and how it’s so important that I left it to the last part of my fourth draft.

I had a goal of finishing Lou Plummer’s 50 Ideas for Blog Posts by the end of the year. I’ve done 27 and only have a couple weeks to finish the rest.

You’re going to see a lot of posts in the next couple of days.

I had coffee with some friends today.

Two coffee cups on a table.

It feels good to finish something. I hope you all get a chance to have that feeling today.

Setting up a new computer can be kind of refreshing as you take some time to think about what you really need versus having simply because you had it on the other instance.

Many years ago, I went to a Black Friday sale for diapers. I think it’s probably the closest I’ve everr gotten to buying happiness since then.

50 Ideas for Blog Posts by Lou Plummer #27

27. What kind of decorations do you have in your workspace? What do they mean to you?

The place that I’m currently working has a “hoteling” requirement. This means that I’m required to book an appointment with a cubicle within an allotted set two (2) days a week. We can only book a cubicle 2 weeks in advance and we’re only required to be here two days, there is no guarantee that you’ll get the same cubicle. Also, if you do not book the time someone else can sit there. You can’t book a cubicle and not sit there.

So, it discourages us from taking the time to decorate the workspace.

They’ve tried to make it more “fun” by placing pictures up of excited places, but it’s roughly the same 8-10 pictures in a certain group of cubes.

It’s not all bad, I do have access to a cafeteria and a printer.

Found this on Mastodon.

This is great.

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