Lillie is just waiting for mommy to come home.

Dog looking out the window.

I’ve been meaning to do more daily notes for myself. There is a couple examples out there, but I find myself tripping up on making it a habit.

I’m at a high school track meet. The line for the boys bathroom is out the door. Two stalls, 3 urinals. The kids aren’t using the urinals.

Ah, to be young and insecure.

I wondered why the tabindex="0" was placed when adding code to my website when I came across this issue on github

I was going to work on my “About” page for my site. I get that same feeling that I get when I’m working on a rΓ©sumΓ©. This should be more fun and a lot easier, but I’m finding it difficult to come up with the words to write.

I must be getting sick πŸ€’. My Apple Watch says that my exercise ring is closed by me just trying to breathe while going up the stairs. sees an issue

I keep getting older, and the text size on Daring Fireball keeps staying the same.

I feel this soo much. It's part of the reason that I make the default font as big as it is. I understand that a user might have a default style sheet or setting. I feel that designing for a larger initial font, makes this particular theme more flexible.


To be honest, I don’t want my tools to be able to write in my style. I have enough trouble communicating and don’t want to get more complacent.

Serving my blog posts as Linux manual pages | James' Coffee Blog

Earlier this week, with a spark for building but no particular idea in mind, I started to think about the Linux manual page. Could I serve my blog posts as Linux manual pages? Herein lay an adventure.

WHOA! This completely blew my mind!


I haven’t done any formatting for the newsletter that allows you to send. I’ll add it to the list and it will be the next series of Labarum Posts.

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